搜索 Priya

  • Follows the life of a youngster from college to his marriage.
  • 世上看似没有联系的事情其实都有着千丝万缕的关系,《追梦》以小孩对披萨饼的渴望为主线,又讲述了一个母亲对自己丈夫回家的期待和一个不良青年不劳而获的白日梦。影片中的两个小孩对本地新开的披萨店特别好奇,特别想吃这家店的披萨,但是因为该店的消费水平太高,小孩的家庭负担不起,两个小孩又不甘心放弃尝试,于是他们开始自己想尽办法挣钱…
  •   In a tragic accident, Kathiravan loses his wife and his left leg. A few years later he decides to get a prosthetic leg with the compensation amount. Kathiravan's life gets more complicated when his daughter Magizh gets hospitalized.
  • 唐(沙鲁克·罕 Shahrukh Khan 饰)是大毒枭波利斯的手下,而波利斯神龙见首不见尾,行踪诡秘,因此,在外抛头露面的唐成为了警察重点追捕的对象。唐嗜血残暴,无恶不作,杀人不眨眼,卡米妮(卡琳娜·卡普 Kareena Kapoor 饰)的丈夫就是唐的手下冤魂。为了替丈夫报仇,卡米妮决定与警方合作,却不幸因此而丢了性命。  一场意外让唐死于非命…
  • Things take a turn as dramatic events unfold after a crime was committed in a village and as the culprit is sought after.
  • 这部体育纪录片探究了印度最大的假球丑闻、深陷其中的著名人物,以及揭露腐败内幕的记者。
  • Aspiring martial artist Ria Khan believes she must save her older sister, Lena, from her impending marriage. With the help of her friends, Ria attempts to pull off the most ambitious of all wedding heists in the name of independence and sisterhood.  源自:
  • <p>  故事的主人公是四个做着美梦发大财的窝囊废。<br/>  这四个人包括两个留级学渣,哈尼和小胖,他俩想去念当地的大学但是打死也考不进去。学校的门卫潘迪先生告诉他们,他可以为他们洩露试题,但是每门科目要价五万卢比。<br/>  通过潘迪先生他们认识了扎法尔,他之前在这所学校读书,如今是个不得志的歌手。他女友…
  •   这部电影讲述的是印度超级英雄巴维什·乔希的故事,好朋友因揭露腐败而被害,巴维什·乔希便戴上面具,以超级英雄的方式为朋友复仇.....
  •   Fueled by power, money, sex and politics, the drama's three central characters are looking to grab their share of wealth and glory amid Silicon Valley's digital gold rush of the late-1990s.