搜索 Priya

  •   The contemporary retelling of the popular legend is back for a second series with more breathtaking archery, incredible swordplay, lots of humour, fun and energy, a smattering of brute force, and the raw determination to right wrongs. Th…
  • 星级警察与连环杀手之间的对决,杀手挑战警察的抓捕能力,结果充斥了外挂动作、俏皮的爱情和黑色幽默,而这是一个悲伤的故事……
  • 故事讲述一位挪威裔神秘男子,让碰到自己的少年突然自燃,并被控谋杀罪名。在接受审问之前,一位心理医师惊人发现,他竟然拥有无法控制的超自然能力,而这股力量可能来自于北欧神话,于是她决定帮助这位神秘男子逃狱,一同踏上寻找真相的旅途。
  • To chase her dream of going to school in her remote Himalayan village, a feisty paraplegic girl locks horns with her tradition-bound grandfather.  Sprightly Chuskit's dream of going to school is cut short when she is rendered a paraplegic …
  • 布奇是位人力车司机,每天早晨都会送富有人家的孩子去著名的私立英语学校上学。他只有一个梦想,那就是希望儿子接受体面的教育。然而,他深信他儿子去的公立学校永远不会给他机会。他梦想看到才华横溢的儿子成为国际学生,这使他走上了一条危险的道路。他的行为会破坏他所珍视的一切吗?
  • Omar Lulu, who shot to fame with the surprise hit 'Happy Wedding,' is known to feature new faces in his projects.
  • 我们可以决定生命中我们遇见谁  但是选择与我们共度一生的人  是由命运决定的  小时候的西努与姖努  长大后的阿维纳什与普芮雅  究竟是有缘无份还是有缘有份  一切尽在《缘份》
  • 马尔霍特拉(萨钦·克德卡 Sachin Khedekar 饰)的妻子幸运的怀上了双胞胎,就在这两个小婴儿呱呱坠地的时候,邪恶的罪犯查尔斯将其中的一个孩子掠走了,在被警方追捕的过程中,查尔斯将婴儿丢掉了,幸运的是,孩子被一位名叫卡茜善良的女人所收养取名拉贾(瓦伦·达万 Varun Dhawan 饰),而马尔霍特拉则带着另一个孩子普瑞姆((瓦伦·达万 …
  • <p>  Examine the violent battle between a ranching family in the West and the federal government. See how a fight over land became deadly, invigorated a wider right-wing anti-government movement and continues to challenge prosecutors…
  •   Journalist and author Paul Greenberg (Four Fish; American Catch) spends a year eating only fish. From farmed fish in Norway to the biggest wild fishery in the world off Peru, he travels to investigate the health of the ocean - as well as…