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  •   洛杉矶警署重案组的警探们还沉浸在Brenda Leigh Johnson被调走,新队长Raydor上任的震惊中不能自拔。与他们的原上司不同,Raydor决心以一种更加以团队利益为第一的方式领导大家,她将自己得到的所有赞扬都与工作伙伴们分享。但是,鉴于Raydor曾经对这个组的警探们和他们的原上司进行过内部调查的“不良记录”,如何博得警探们的信任和信心是…
  • <p>  雷多(玛丽·麦克唐纳 Mary McDonnell 饰)是洛杉矶警局重案组的新任上司,新官上任三把火,行事向来雷厉风行的她希望能够按照自己的设想,将重案组变成一个更为温暖,更为团结,更为人性化的所在。<br/>  然而,雷多首先要面对的问题,是怎样获取她那些个性独特的下属们的信任,尤其是那个名叫普罗文萨(G·W·贝利 G…
  • 阿贝是一名风度翩翩的大学哲学教授,深受同学和老师们的喜爱每天和自己的本我超我打交道,使得阿贝难免会陷入虚无主义的危机之中。某日,他的课堂上来了一位名叫吉尔的女学生,吉尔热情而又开朗,她的诸多哲思和阿贝不谋而合,师生之间很快就发展出了浓浓的情意。某日,阿贝和吉尔正在餐厅吃饭,无意之中听闻邻座抱怨某位法官使她失去了孩子的监…
  •   Sixteen mustangs, four men, one dream: to ride border to border, Mexico to Canada, up the spine of the American West. The documentary tracks four fresh-out-of-college buddies as they take on wild mustangs to be their trusted mounts, and …
  • A funny and irresistible story of a young girl who literally cannot see or hear her mother, even though she is living with her under the same roof. With the help of an eccentric psychiatrist, and a local, accidental hero, our heroine has to grow up, but falls in love and eventually takes hold of her future - despite no…
  • 一位在韩国城做卡拉ok女招待的年轻女子在父亲生命的最后几天与她疏远的兄弟重逢。  卡西(Kasie)住在洛杉矶的韩国城(Koreatown),她是一名卡拉ok女招待,靠酒醉的男人陪伴赚钱。当她父亲的临终关怀护士离职后,她与分居的弟弟凯里重新联系,迫使他们进入了一个强烈的自我反省时期,因为抚养他们长大的单身父亲即将离世。
  • Kat Emerson could really use a Christmas miracle! The aspiring singer-songwriter may have big dreams, but she has even bigger problems. Treated like a servant by her vain stepmother and self-involved stepsisters, Kat is forced into a demoralizing job as a singing elf at billionaire Terrence Wintergardenâ€TMs Santa Land…
  • 在这部成长题材剧情片中,一位退隐的音乐神童(卡希尔·伊夫雷奇饰演)与一位倒霉的高中保安(安东尼·安德森饰演)意外成为了朋友。他们因为对嘻哈音乐的共同热爱而走到一起,他们试图努力让对方从过去的痛苦中摆脱出来,同时希望登上舞台表演。《节拍救赎》由克里斯·罗宾逊(《新美国故事》《New Edition 的故事》)执导,伊夫雷奇、奥卓·阿…
  • BACK FORK is the story of an everyman, WAYLON, struggling to hold his life and family together after a heartbreaking tragedy. He and his wife, NIDA, barely recognize themselves, let alone each other. Their inability to continue on and to heal, leaves them hopeless. With the growing burden of the unanswered questions of…
  •   Starz剧集《古战场传奇》还在拍摄第4季,如今就正式宣布一连续订第5、6两季,毕竟收视率很好。新续订的两季各有12集,预计2019和2020年播出,依次会基于原作小说《异乡人》系列中的《血十字》和《雪尘的呼吸》。而且这两季后,小说还有两本没拍完,现在作者Diana Gabaldon还在写一本新的,所以第6季很可能也不是该剧终点。