搜索 Peter

  •   《迷宫》编导的最新力作。一个满月的静谧之夜,讲述费城四个不同世代的生命故事,交织着性的欢愉和绝望的空虚。布莱恩曾是才华洋溢、屡获殊荣的诗人,但面临江郎才尽的窘境;吉姆是英俊有抱负的演员,认为戏剧是他生活的一切;包柏是一位天才经纪人,但他始终无法忘怀过去;德鲁是个着名凋塑家,爱艺术更胜于爱他的情人。
  • Thang Máy là câu chuyện kỳ bí xảy ra với những cô gái trẻ khi đi Thang Máy một mình. Mọi chuyện bắt đầu khi Jina đột nhiên mất tích sau khi livestream trong thang máy. Sự cố này gây ra nỗi sợ hãi tâm lý trong tâm trí Trang đến …
  •   Largely unchanged for more than a century, the projection of photochemical film faces an uncertain future in the digital age. The practice of handing and projecting film is in danger of being lost; and the role of film projectionist is n…
  • Dutch immigrant, Harry deLeyer, journeyed to the United States after World War II and developed a transformative relationship with a broken down Amish plow horse he rescued off a slaughter truck bound for the glue factory. Harry paid eighty dollars for the horse and named him Snowman. In less than two years, Harry Snow…
  • In The Nightmare, director Rodney Ascher (Room 237) has done just that. The film explores the condition commonly referred to as “sleep paralysis.” That’s a condition where someone is in bed, but totally physically immobilized. Some who su…
  • 男孩乔乔(里克·伦斯 Rick Lens 饰)的童年是灰色的,母亲不在身边,对其思念至极的乔乔只能每天通过电话听一听她亲切的声音。乔乔的父亲是个粗暴的男人,他不仅无法给予乔乔他所渴望的父爱,还因为一些生活中的小事对儿子肆意打骂。  一次偶然中,乔乔在树下拾得了一只从窝里跌落的雏鸟,在雏鸟的身上,乔乔看到了自己的影子。爱心和责任感…
  • 弗朗西斯(伊蒙·欧文斯 Eamonn Owens 饰)生活在一个不幸的家庭之中,父亲是个酒鬼,每每喝醉了酒就会对懦弱又精神不稳定的母亲拳打脚踢。乔伊是弗朗西斯唯一的朋友,两人常常以取笑捉弄菲利普(Andrew Fullerton 饰)为乐。残酷的现实让弗朗西斯喜欢躲进漫画中的神奇世界里,脑袋里充满了稀奇古怪的幻想。  母亲终于精神崩溃被送进了疯人院…
  • 弗莱迪(罗伯特·英格兰德 Robert Englund 饰)将榆树街孩子残杀殆尽,只留下约翰一人,约翰在梦中重返榆树街,历经梦中的混乱后被丢弃在陌生的城镇。在“青年之家康复中心”里,一群问题少年斯宾塞、翠西等人正接受教师玛姬(丽萨·赞恩 Lisa Zane 饰)的管理与矫正,失去记忆的约翰也被发现后送到了这里,玛姬发现约翰和自己的梦境相关联,他…
  • Adapted from Beth O’Leary’s bestselling novel, six-part series The Flatshare stars Jessica Brown Findlay (Tiffany) and Anthony Welsh (Leon), as two cash-strapped twenty somethings who share a bed, but have never met. The question is, can y…
  •   一夜情变调成为永无止尽的恶梦。一位已婚的医生和一名女子发生一夜情,这名女子状态不稳定,不但跳窗还折磨这位医生,然而这名女子究竟是死是活?