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  • 大金刚在军警围捕之下,终于从帝国下厦摔下受重伤,十年后,在乔治亚洲特兰大大学医疗研究,有机会再度复活。为此研发人工心脏,准备为她做换心手术,但要量同类的血液。正当大家一筹莫展时,米奇意外地抓到另一只母猿,并卖给政府以便进行手术,艾咪为此手术执刀,不料手术后的大金刚与母原从回原生地,逃开人类的控制,而被军队重重包围,大金…
  • A dramatization of the methods in which young women are abducted or otherwise procured for prostitution.
  •   A young woman running a wildlife sanctuary in the Australian outback is in for trouble when she is confronted by three kangaroo hunters. Bored with killing kangaroos, they decide to kill the animals in the sanctuary, and when they see ho…
  • You Are Not Alone (Danish Du er ikke alene) (1978) is a Danish coming-of-age film written by Lasse Nielsen and Bent Petersen, directed by Lasse Nielsen and Ernst Johansen and produced by Steen Herdel.  Set in a Danish all-boys boarding school where one of the boys, Bo (Anders Agensø) develops a special relationship wit…
  •   本片是为一个长达一周的反战示威而拍的,该示威的主题是“愤怒的艺术家反对战争”。当时,关于“越战”的尖锐争论正在把美国人分成两个阵营,而我们可以把这部影片看做是斯科塞斯的政治表态。全片长6分钟,用恐怖的画面表现了一个年轻人如何对自己的脸进行摧残。该片参加了1968年在比利时举办的雅克·勒杜实验电影节(Jacques Ledoux…
  • Boozy, brassy Apple Annie, a beggar with a basket of apples, is as much as part of downtown New York as old Broadway itself. Bootlegger Dave the Dude is a sucker for her apples --- he thinks they bring him luck. But Dave and girlfriend Queenie Martin need a lot more than luck when it turns out that Annie is in a jam an…
  • 才华横溢的表演艺术家安托尼成功的扮演了许多角色,可是到了老年功成名就的时候却找不到自己,他迷失在黑色的舞台上。他怀疑,猜忌,神经过敏,他在演死亡之吻的时候迷失在奥赛罗的险影里,黑暗中总有一股力量把他推向困惑的边缘。
  • 1 9 6 4年,在中苏援助下的北越军队大举攻入南越,苏军跨过柏林墙占领西柏林,东西方两大阵营顿时剑拔弩张,核战一触即发。英国政府一边积极备战,一边教导人们怎样应付核打击,无奈普通人既无恰当科学防范知识,对他们而言最简陋的防核设施也似乎太贵。然后核战就爆发了:一颗战术热核弹降落伦敦附近的肯特郡,百万人立即幸福地化为灰烬,活着…