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  • 米迦尔是一名夜间医生。他的病人大多来自动荡的贫民区,比如其他医生根本不屑于接待的瘾君子。他不仅见证着病人们复杂的人际关系,自己也深陷生活的泥沼:不知道如何做一个好丈夫,和情人的关系也越来越不顺利。当一名药剂师亲戚拉他下水,一起贩卖虚假药物,他的人生彻底地脱轨了。又一个夜幕降临,他能不能把握住机会,做出正确的选择,守住自…
  •   Joseph isn't particularly happy, although he hides it rather well. The day his brother dies, the certainty sets in that life will pass him by. To ensure this doesn't happen, one evening, he gives in to his desire.
  • <p>  The series follows the lives of both the family and the servants in the London townhouse at 165 Eaton Place. Richard Bellamy, the head of the household, is a member of Parliament, and his wife a member of the titled aristocracy.…
  •   Beauty Blogger Alexa Landry only had one fear, plastic surgery. She ultimately had to face this fear when she was kidnapped with her friends by Dr. Cunningham. A deranged plastic surgeon who is obsessed with beautifying his victims.
  • Facing immigration issues, a couple must confront fears of rejection or risk losing each other.
  • 在这个前卫的砍杀者中,关于恐怖的残酷社交媒体游戏失控,少年恐怖又回来了。惠顿大学(Whiton University)揭开了一名暗杀案指控后,一名明星运动员被谋杀的夜晚的序幕,引发了一系列社交媒体相关的杀戮事件。当一个蒙面杀手针对整个校园的学生时,三位姐妹姐妹争分夺秒地揭露了学校隐藏的秘密背后的真相-以及一个感叹号的恐怖含义-然后他们成…
  •   Despite the minimal news coverage, sexual harassment and gender inequality against women are no less prevalent in science than they are in pop culture and corporate America.
  • 前舞者伊娃(Eva)现在坐在轮椅上,无法行走。当她的朋友索菲(Sophie)在圣诞节前给她一个古老的木制古董降临日历时,她意识到每个窗口都包含一个惊喜,在现实生活中会引起冲击:其中一些很好,但大多数都是不好的-现在,Eva将不得不在摆脱困境之间做出选择日历或再次走动-即使它导致她周围死亡。 由 WTFilms撰写
  •   Sara and Nicola are expecting their second son. Through the late Mattia Torre's sharp look, all the joys and sorrows of being a parent in the modern day Italy are unraveled in an absolutely brilliant and witty way.
  • 聚焦安东尼奥·利加波尔震惊全意大利的戏剧性人生,自幼就展现绘画天赋的他,童年却十分坎坷,义大利父母非法到德瑞边境打零工,母亲过世后,被送给一对夫妻收养,但精神问题却让他不受欢迎,随着身份问题被揭发,而被迫遣送回意大利。一生颠沛流离,进出精神病院无数次,直到认识了一名雕刻家,开始学习画画和雕塑,而成为了20世纪重要的素人艺…