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  • 无声电影时代,演员的形体远远比声音重要。琳娜(简·哈根 Jean Hagen 饰)就是凭着讨好的外形,和唐(吉恩·凯利 Gene Kelly 饰)成为大受欢迎的明星搭档。然而,随着技术的发展,有声电影问世,这就难倒了声音及其难听的琳娜。无论如何训练,她都不能把台词念得漂 亮。于是,唐请来了声音甜美的凯西(黛比·雷诺斯 Debbie Reynol…
  • 在这部纪录片中,一名警长和谋杀案被害者的母亲坚持不懈,只为追查并起诉1990年代巴黎的一名连环杀手
  • A DEA agent with PTSD returns home after a botched mission and must now protect his family from a home invasion after a recently freed convict and his henchmen come after their stash of millions inside of the agent's home.
  • 麦迪森(安娜贝拉·沃丽丝 Annabelle Wallis 饰)在梦中不断看到恐怖谋杀案现场的幻象,而这些幻象实际上是真实发生过的凶案,她决定挖掘真相和自己的过去,却发现这一切与一位名叫“盖博瑞”的魔鬼有关。
  • In the secret forests of Northern Italy, a dwindling group of joyful old men and their faithful dogs search for the world’s most expensive ingredient, the white Alba truffle. Their stories form a real-life fairy tale that celebrates human …
  • Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey,…
  • 他看守著神秘的魔法之門,為了追查受詛咒的復仇之書,他來到發生一連串警方未解謀殺案的小鎮,在當地魔法人員協助下緝捕到謀殺案背後的策劃者,但隨即發現有更深不可測的黑魔法在計劃著終結人類世界!他來得及阻止這場毀滅嗎?
  • Kala azar describes of a place that cannot sustain animal life any longer. In a big city somewhere in the south of Europe, a couple takes care of dead animals and abandoned roadkill as an act to give meaning to their life. Kala azar is a  meditation on the paradox of life-circles among beings of different species. A fi…
  • 《死亡空间:坍塌》是电脑游戏《死亡空间1》的剧情前传:  在AEGIS VII殖民星球上,统一教得知了地球政府将其藏匿并封锁的Red Marker。随后派遣石村号前往Aegis VII进行所谓的采矿作业,实则是回收Red Marker。 石村号和AEGIS VII的工程人员接触MARKER,并开始进行转移工作。转移过程中,工作人员开始产生幻觉,随后开始变异并自相残杀。与此…
  • 在MIDNIGHT的世界,反抗黑暗的时刻即将来临。  经过三个世纪的勾心斗角与战争,黑暗之王Izrador终于击败自由族类的英雄与军队。现在,他用铁拳统治着整个Aryth世界。在Shadow的奴役下,人类一族过着被压迫的生活,而精灵与矮人们则撤退到偏远的森林与深山里,在那里他们绝望的抵抗也慢慢屈服于Shadow不可动摇的淫威。  受命调查一位失踪的神…