搜索 Nikola

  • In the autumn of 2014, in the ATO zone, an intelligence group headed by experienced captain Anton Sayenko (called by nickname Banderas) tries to prevent sabotage and neutralize the Russian saboteur.
  • 美國OUTFEST洛杉磯同志影展參展作品  德國Max Ophüls Preis電影節得獎作品  「唔錫嘴、唔做零!你俾錢,我就入到你出!」-這是Waseem的規矩!他自信床技一流,堅信唔做零,就等於唔係同志。自從由敘利亞逃難到德國後,Waseem就靠性工作為生。一日,佢遇上了一名有錢德國客仔,住大屋,仲有文化、有品味,生活跟 Waseem於難民營的日…
  • 影片讲述了居住在索非亚郊区的普通一家三口的故事。托多尔是一个天体物理学家,同时也是一位单身父亲。他对土星环的观测研究深深着迷,因此疏忽了对两个孩子的关怀。大女儿米拉有着不同寻常的钢琴天赋,但她对自己的不自信感到焦虑。调皮的小儿子尼基总试图用恶作剧和荒唐的把戏来分散米拉的注意力,这让米拉备受干扰。米拉即将前往德国参加一场…
  •   They call him The Sniffer. He's the proud owner of an extraordinarily acute sense of smell. He can detect things about you that you desperately want to conceal. He'll find that needle in the haystack. Don't ever doubt his extraordinary s…
  • <p>  They call him The Sniffer. He's the proud owner of an extraordinarily acute sense of smell. He can detect things about you that you desperately want to conceal. He'll find that needle in the haystack. Don't ever doubt his extrao…
  • Dawid, Vanessa and Ludwig are the finalists at a pitch-competition for a movie about the German Rap phenomenon CRO. As the three youngsters work out their extraordinary film ideas, they must fight through unexpected personal challenges.
  • 故事发生在1929年的德国柏林。埃里希(弗洛里安·大卫·菲茨 Florian David Fitz 饰)是一位小有名气的作家,创作过很多脍炙人口的作品。一天,一个名叫汉斯(尼科·拉莫·克莱曼 Nico Ramon Kleemann 饰)的小男孩出现在了埃里希的家门口,他告诉埃里希自己是他的超级粉丝。  刚开始,埃里希对于汉斯的存在并没有太过在意,但随着时间的推移…
  • 比尔·斯卡斯加德和麦卡·梦露将主演新片《恶棍》(Villains),Dan Berk Robert Olsen(《别杀它》《身体》)执导。剧情讲述一对业余罪犯闯进了一间郊区房子,偶然发现了一个黑暗秘密,两名虐待狂房主将不惜一切代价阻止秘密被曝光。Tim Trevor White编写剧本,并联合Allan Mandelbaum、Garrick Dion制片。
  • A disgraced ex special forces agent turns to a demon that offers him a job as a soul hunter. Chaos ensues when a former associate goes on a killing spree with the soul hunter as his main target.
  • 故事背景为一战时期的德国。曼弗雷德·冯·里希特霍芬是一名德国飞行员,他有着击落80架敌机的傲人战绩,被称为王牌中的王牌,他的绰号叫“红男爵”。本片就是根据这位传奇人物的生平改编而成。  曼弗雷德(马提亚斯·施维赫夫 Matthias Schweigh?fer 饰)出身名门,自小就憧憬着飞行。成为德国飞行员后,他凭着高超的技巧以及独特的作战风格…