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  • The film comprises six interconnected stories, one of them co-written with actress-screenwriter Iulia Lumanare. Interestingly, the feature recycles (and completes) The Christmas Gift and another, unreleased short film, New Year’s Eve. One of the protagonists is ?tefan Silvestru, the director of the national television …
  • TRANSMITZVAH is a love story between siblings. They exhibit their wounds, exchange the pieces of each other’s puzzle, and complete (or start) the process of reaffirming their own identity. Rubén –the Singmans’ youngest son– challenges trad…
  • A 'Millennial Coming-of-Rage' story about a young woman who loses her job and struggles to pay rent - until she befriends a pickpocket who convinces her that the only way to survive in America is by committing petty crime.
  • 阿德里安(Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet 饰)是一个学习钢琴已有15年之久的天才钢琴家,可是在梦寐以求的伯恩斯坦钢琴大赛上他功败垂成,人生跌落谷底。经过一段时间调整,阿德里安重新振作,成为了一名盲人钢琴调音师。事实上他只是带上了隐形眼镜,这会让别人认为他听觉方面更加敏锐,并由此得到更多的同情和消费,甚至还会窥视到别人的生活与…
  • 改编自Michael Crichton的同名畅销小说。  此片是斯科特兄弟重导2008年的电视剧而成的迷你剧。  犹他州的皮德蒙特小镇,一对男女情侣正在山上约会,突然一颗人造卫星掉落。好奇的两人将卫星带回小镇,却不知道也将可怕的遭难带回了小镇。突然间小镇上爆发了可怕的病毒, 人们纷纷不明原因地死去。为防止病毒扩散到其他城市,军队封锁了小镇…
  • 这是一个卡拉布里亚岛的小村子,依山傍海,从山麓间,你可以看到远处的伊奥尼亚海。这是一个好似时间停止的地方,这里的石头有权改变事件的发生,而山羊们则会停下来思考天空的由来。  这里住着一个已经时日不多的老牧羊人,他病了,他坚信他找到了续命的良药,他从教堂的地板上收集灰尘,每晚就水喝下。  在一个羊圈里的一小片黑土地上,一…
  • 该剧讲述年轻的FBI女特工奥莉维亚奉命加入代号为"Fringe"的秘密部门,与高深莫测的神秘科学家沃尔特·毕舍普合作调查一系列无法用科学解释的超自然现象的故事  。
  • 故事的开头如同《迷失》一样,始于一架即将出事的飞机。在迫降之后飞机上所有人都死于一种神秘的病毒,FBI以及各方调查组介入调查。但这只是故事的开始,接下来FBI的女特工奥利弗-邓哈姆(Olivia Dunham)和高智商天才彼得-毕舍普(Peter Bishop)将携手面对一系列匪夷所思的可怕现象。为了阻止危机的进一步扩展,他们将寻求彼得早已疏远的父亲的帮…
  • 一位著名气象学专家在未能预测到灾难性冰雹后逃回了他的家乡,随后,他很快地发现自己踏上了一场自我发现之旅。
  • George is the scapegoat of his classmates. One day he cracks and shoots them. His best and only friend Blaise is accused in his place and sentenced to 7 years in a psychiatric hospital. At the day of his release, Blaise realizes he only has one family his best friend George. But he does not want to hear about his child…