- 20世纪上半叶,战争的阴影盘旋于欧洲大陆上空。很快,一场惊世灾难席卷全世界,纳粹的铁蹄恣意践踏着人类的生命和尊严,地球变成了充满烈火的地狱。一列纳粹用来运输俘虏的火车,遭到了游击队员的袭击。对决中,一道黑色的身影格外引人注目。她仅凭着手中的冷兵器便将全副武装的纳粹士兵一一收拾。这便是已存活上半年历史的吸血鬼莱恩(Natas…
- Alone on Halloween| a young woman finds a mysterious VHS tape on her doorstep-a tape that shows a series of gruesome and ghastly tales that appear to be all too real. But these terrifying glimpses of damned souls are not the only horrors that stalk her. A sinister| pumpkin-faced killer is using the videotape as a porta…