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  •   811 AD, a family, isolated in their home, deep in the woods a few days travel from Birka. They are poor. The hunting and fishing has been bad for some time, and the father, Joar, takes the desperate measure of going on a Viking raid. Joa…
  •   아버지의 임종을 앞둔 3남 1녀 형제자매가 유산 상속을 위해 큰형 집에 모인다. 공증인이 참석한 가운데 유산 분배에 관한 유서가 발표되고, 저마다 상속액에 대한 불만이 터져 나온다. 그때 큰형의 아이를 데리고 있다는 유괴범의 전화가 걸려온다.
  • 为了向女友和她的父亲证明自己,失败的修车员踏上朝圣之旅,却在途中遇到了种种意外。
  • SomPoei是一部兰纳风格的电影,专门为了东北地区打造  阿欢 一位颠覆西北女性规规矩矩,有条不紊的形象,是一个直来直去,敢爱敢恨,时刻准备为爱冲刺的女子。她代表着如今的那些觉得现在已经过了那个要隐瞒自己的情感,等着爱情找上门,最终变成年老色衰的老处女的时代的女孩。
  •   來自喬治亞小鎮的米爾頓,在父親的教導之下,從小就開始展現出不凡的棒球才能,以投手的位置帶領隊伍拿下首次的高中聯賽州冠軍,因此知名棒球大學願意提供獎助學金讓來自貧困農家的米爾頓能夠追求棒球夢,米爾頓這位5A等級最有價值球員一進大學就立刻取代了雷恩的先發投手位置,而雷恩在父親給予的壓力之下選擇輕生,於此同時,米爾頓的父親…
  •   Professional climber Sehyeon finds out about her pregnancy just before the World Championship. For her long-time aspiration as a climber, she struggles to break free from her baby but the baby won’t let her go.
  •   Nightride is a dryly humorous real time one shot thriller set on the midnight streets of Belfast. It places us in the driver’s seat with smalltime dealer Budge as he tries to pull one last deal with cash borrowed from a dangerous loan s…
  • 一对夫妇搬到小镇居住,有人擅自闯入他们的家。妻子自此疑神疑鬼,似乎身边所有人都是另有图谋。
  •   A coming of age psychological thriller that plays out the unsettling reality of a kid who holds his family captive in a hole in the ground.
  • Russian operatives hijack a commercial American jet, planning to crash it into a nuclear power plant near Washington, D.C. resulting in fallout that will devastate the Eastern seaboard. With little time for Air Force fighters to shoot it down, the passengers and crew aboard the aircraft must rely on their own military …