搜索 NG

  • Amber Gray catches the attention of an elite group of students during her first semester at university. During the initiation, Amber and the York Witches' Society unintentionally awaken an ancient evil that has been waiting to finish the job it started centuries earlier.
  • Justice needs to be served at Britain's most notorious young offenders institute.
  • 小林是位热心社工,一天,为救其三位当事人阿JOE,林世才,灵幻大师.引致撞车,而魂魄飞出车外,让恶鬼得以进入他之身体.三人幸能逃过难关,各自回林之寓所.竖晨,三人得悉林住院,急往探望.林出院回家后,把三人赶走,还欲强奸JOE.大师怀疑林中邪,便施法见到林魂企图与鬼搏斗,大师同样用车祸望能将鬼魂撞出,反被恶鬼弄致躯体重伤,后用尽方法终将恶鬼赶走…
  • 2013年新年将至,盘桓在国际大都会美国纽约的三个泰国小青年:藏着诸多秘密的小碧(Jarinporn Joonkiat 饰)、超级啃老族杰克(Pachara Chirathivat 饰)、风骚贱格追逐物欲的小潘(Pattarasaya Kreuasuwansri 饰)无聊头顶,决定在租住的公寓内好好狂欢一下。杰克从隔壁的吸毒分子那里找到毒贩子残缺的电话号码,并最终联系上了癫狂多话的贩毒…
  • Locked in her flat for several years, a reclusive young woman stumbles upon a mysterious web community. According to an urban myth, the Suicide Club grants death to those wishing for it. Unless these cyber suicides are actually murders.
  • 古惑仔阿伟(陶大宇 饰)因为杀死了黑道大哥的马仔而遭到了黑帮的追杀,同好友杰克森(李灿森 饰)一同逃亡泰国避难。在那里,阿伟结识了降头师猜旺(颜仟汶 饰)。猜旺不仅拥有高强的法术,还拥有一本早已经失传的秘籍,这令阿伟十分眼红。  一天,阿伟偷看猜旺施法,习得了皮毛,正逢黑帮杀手追杀至泰国,阿伟利用降头术杀死了杀手保住一命…
  • 욕망은 인간을 다른 존재로 만든다  타인의 죽음과 등가교환을 한 성공, 당신의 선택은  소설에 나오는 살인게임 모티브로 저명한 심리학 교수가 살해당한 사건이 생겼다.  하지만 한 젊은 작가 한준은 눈앞의 성공을 위해 살인범을 은폐시키고 만다  이로 인해 소설의 원작자인 한준은 모방 범죄로 인해 미디어와 여론에 휩쓸려 …
  • 一宗谋杀案和一袋丢失的钱让新近丧夫的布兰达和家人陷入了危险,这个母亲不得不在公路逃亡中竭力保护家人。
  • 从泰国移民到韩国的萍(Marsha Wattanapanich 饰)与丈夫伟(Vittaya Wasukraipaisan 饰)过着幸福无忧的生活,就在她生日当天,一通越洋电话改变了她的生活走向。由于妈妈身患重病,萍和伟匆忙赶回泰国,而这也勾起她关于童年过往的回忆。萍出生时还有一个连体姐妹派,由于分离手术失败,派从此殒命,而这也成为萍心中永远的心结。当她踏上故乡…
  • A young woman (Rosemary Wilcox) is haunted by pop-Freudian dreams of her recently murdered psychologist (and lover), so for some reason she goes to a resort where the psychologist liked to hang out and becomes involved with a gangster (Adolf Celli) and the strange female resort owner (Alida Valli). Soon more murders oc…