搜索 Mot

  •   On the eve of forced retirement, a violent hurricane traps veteran late night radio host Amy Marlowe and her uneasy staff at WLST while her mysterious new replacement shadows her every move.
  •   Tony Soprano,貌似只是普通的中年商人一个,身边围绕着顺从的妻子,叛逆的儿子,学业出众的女儿,正在渐渐失去威严的叔叔,容易头脑发热的侄子,还有个众人皆知的情妇和一个听他倾诉的心理医生——黑帮老大的心理医生,和《老大靠边闪》有得一拼!
  • A journey from Suphan to the Kingdom of Ayothaya of a boy named Kaew, he travels with hope to be enlisted in the army in the time of war, there he meets Pim, his first love who is now engaged to a perfect man called Chang.
  • 曾以《鬼摇灵》荣登上印尼影史最卖座鬼片的导演乔可安华,动作新作《闪电奇侠刚达拉》不让漫威、DC专美于前,决定将印尼问世半世纪的经典漫画〈刚达拉〉搬上大银幕。刚达拉不仅有闪电侠的外型、雷神索尔的威能、美国队长的领袖特质、以及V怪客的左翼精神,加上媲美叶问的刚猛动作与炫目的视觉效果,既接地气又有全球性。影片不仅创下高票房,导…
  •   “超短篇”之神星新一。跨越世代被喜爱的魅力,是“宇宙”“机器人”“恶魔”等不可思议的令人兴奋的SF和幻想的要素。还有对人类和社会的“可笑”和“讽刺”混杂的视线。而且最重要的是,虽然很短,却让人吃惊的不可预测的故事。这是含有毒素的寓言,还是对人类的警钟。@哦撸马(阿点)
  • A lonely New Yorker serendipitously meets a mysterious foreigner and sparks ignite. A meditation on life and love in the digital age.
  • 葡萄牙电影,入围2017悉尼电影节。幽深的失魂森林,是葡萄牙的自杀胜地。某天,一个想要自杀的老人,遇见了同样求死的女孩。老人和女孩,各自敞开心扉,在赴死的边缘犹豫。接着,画风骤转,女孩把老人切腹,大开杀戒。贯穿全片的一句话是梵高的“悲伤永驻”。
  • 在曼谷偏远的山区森林裡,有许多名人被邀请参加派对,一台旧型的卡拉OK机被摆放在最显眼的角落。现场有人手痒插上插头准备开唱,却赫然出现一位穿著校服的年轻女鬼(吉娜戴素萨 饰),手持斧头狂杀现场来宾。侥倖没死的来宾也在她控制下要求唱歌,只要走音或忘词就杀无赦!
  •   Lauren Pierce has just become the high-school Tri-State Archery Champion. After the competition, Lauren and her teammate Emily return to their hotel room for a night of irresponsible celebratory drinking that grows into more. When interr…
  • The film centers around a girl who inherits a miniature horse that develops an unlikely friendship with her half-sister's Jack Russell Terrier, who takes to riding on the horse's back.