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  • 著名的希腊神话故事,特洛伊城的巴利斯王子,爱上了美丽非凡的海伦,并不顾一切的将她带回了特洛伊城。谁知海伦本是巴斯达国王的爱妃,愤怒的巴斯达下令向特洛伊城发起进攻,一场残酷的战争拉开了序幕。英勇的希腊士兵如潮水涌向特洛伊城,结果无功而返,慌乱中,遗留下一匹巨大的木马。兴奋的特洛伊城士兵只顾高兴地庆祝着希腊士兵的撤退,对希…
  • Chico one of the remaining members of The Magnificent Seven now lives in the town that they (The Seven) helped. One day someone comes and takes most of the men prisoner. His wife seeks out Chris, the leader of The Seven for help. Chris also meets Vin another member of The Seven. They find four other men and they go to …
  •   A producer decides to reopen a theater, that had been closed five years previously when one of the actors was murdered during a performance, by staging a production of the same play with the remaining members of the original cast.
  • 翻拍自《妮诺契卡》  A musical remake of Ninotchka After three bumbling Soviet agents fail in their mission to retrieve a straying Soviet composer from Paris, the beautiful, ultra-serious Ninotchka is sent to complete their mission and to retri…
  • 建立于一百年前的埃克赛特疗养院曾经收治许多心理有障碍的青少年,此后入院治疗的病患逐渐攀升,医疗条件则每况愈下,甚至不断爆出青少年被虐待致死的丑闻。如今该疗养院早已废弃,此地闹鬼的传闻却越传越凶,当然这无法吓退那些寻求刺激、胆大妄为的年轻人。某天,帕特里克(Kelly Blatz 饰)和好友罗里(Michael Ormsby 饰)、诺尔斯前往该…
  • 剧情:母子乱伦 (不是继母 是亲母子)  相依为命的孤儿寡母,渐渐长大的儿子和其他女人相处时,母子间的矛盾、情欲开始决堤!
  •   赫尔佐格用在撒哈拉沙漠拍摄的素材剪成的影片,配上了创世神话旁白和里奥纳德·科恩的歌。
  • 一部有关阴谋政变的豪华传记片,取材自1930年代法国的一个真实的故事。风流潇洒的主人公是一位法国籍俄国犹太人,他曾以诈骗罪被捕入狱,出来后改名换姓四处行骗,从事非法的投机活动,最终控制了全巴黎的新闻出版界、跑马场、政界以及豪华的社交场所。他还是个不折不扣的赌徒。最终丑闻败露,与之一起倒台的还有许多受牵连的政府官员。他在追捕…
  • 故事主要是围绕一艘名叫邦蒂的船展开。邦蒂于1789年离开波特毛斯港口,前往南美,此次的任务就是前往大溪地某座岛屿,从那里得到一种像面包一样的水果品种,并把它运回英国。故事的主人公弗莱切·克里斯坦是船上的大副。他性格刚烈,很不满威廉姆·布莱斯船长的作风。而船长是一个极度刚愎自用的人,他听不仅下属们的建议和意见,反倒是百般折磨…
  • The film was a great success, De Sica and Lia Franca became stars and the song Parlami d'amore Mariù was a hit. Rarelly in Italian film history, it was filmed on real Milan locations, nowadays it is a sort of documentary how was Milan in t…