搜索 Mina

  • <p>  他是足球天才、球場上帝、叛逆英雄,還是騙徒一名?馬勒當拿由窮家小子變身神一樣的球星,天價轉會拿玻里,世界盃上帝之手舉世聞名。然而登上事業頂峰,人生也開始變質走樣,在黑手黨橫行之城,沉淪毒海,私生活一塌糊塗。拍過《極速傳奇:冼拿》( 2 0 1 0 ) 及奧斯卡得獎作《A m y 》(2015)的卡巴迪亞,嘗試重組球王的璀璨歲…
  • 贝琳达得知关系疏远的父亲事酒店大亨。随后,在一位迷人律师的帮助下,她稀里糊涂的一头扎进了崭新而复杂的生活方式
  • In the near future, aliens have invaded Earth and declared a galactic war resulting in thousands of human casualties. To save Earth, a team of four teenage astronauts brave the alien wilderness of a distant planet to stop an assassin from changing the course of history forever.
  • 身历其境的虚拟世界,让玩家们走火入魔分不清现实与虚拟。为了维护现实社会的安全。政府组织了特殊部门“C”负责浅入各个虚拟游戏检举违法的暴力。史塔斯和艾利克斯是最佳电竞审查员,也是游戏中的搭档。某天政府将改组C部门,最佳审查员将接任部长大位!为了赢得比赛,史塔斯在同事的建议下玩了一款极度拟真的虚拟实境游戏,由于一切太逼真了,…
  •   Ivy and Bean are ecstatic to sign up for ballet class until they realize there will be no sword fighting, kicking or “dancing to the death” allowed in class. When Bean’s parents won’t let her quit, Ivy agrees to stick it out with Bean t…
  •   When Ivy discovers the school bathroom is haunted, Bean helps Ivy to harness her witchlike powers. With the help of their classmates, Ivy and Bean orchestrate a ritual that will free the ghosts, save the school and also mess up Nancy’s d…
  •   漫天尘飞中,男孩打闹间练习掷石驱狼;女孩叼着麦杆漫聊闲话。村里老人讲述着奇幻故事:「传说中,喀什米尔狼能站立行走,狼皮下是个绿色裸体妖精…」突然虚实跨了界,分野不再清晰。新锐女导演克服拍摄地政局紊乱的风险,细致捕捉阿富汗山村放牧日常,展示带有魔幻风采,却又宛如纪实电影般描绘细微众生面向的作品。
  •   1940年的英国战争不断,每天都有敌军的空袭轰炸,但比满目疮痍伦敦更残破的是人民绝望的心,面对未知的生命无常,电影成了唯一的心灵慰藉。资讯局电影部想要提升国家士气和民心,开始拍摄政治宣传电影,为了增加电影中的女性观点,原本从事广告文案的凯瑟琳(杰玛·阿特登 饰)被邀请加入编剧小组,和主编巴克利(山姆·克拉弗林 饰)一起编…
  • yle=color: rgb(85, 85, 85); f>美丽端庄的静子(小向美奈子 饰)父母早年双亡,她被海东财团的总裁义一郎收为养女,受到良好的教育。长大后静子远赴意大利学习大提琴,几年后载誉归来,出于感恩她嫁给义父为妻。然而好景不长,海东财团在对手的算计下破产,义一郎则病发身亡。从新娘沦为遗孀的静子更被一群黑道劫去,备受凌辱。危难时刻,远山…
  • The movie is comprised of six inter-related stories that tell of the frantic days leading up to the most important election ever in Malaysia. It follows the lives of everyday people, who come together for their common love their country. Each of the stories told shows the meaning of being a true Malaysian.