- We are in the year 2001, a temporary ceasefire brings a much-needed break to a small war-torn village in Northern Nepal, bringing much joy among the residents. Prakash and Kiran, two young close friends, are also starting to feel the change in the air. Though they are divided by caste and social creed, they remain inse…
- 能够给全世界与涅洛伊战斗的人们以及背井离乡的人们带来片刻安宁与治愈的独特航空团——那就是她们“联盟空军航空魔法音乐队光辉魔女”。 与在战斗中守护大家的统合战斗航空团魔女们完全相反的航空团,身为“不战斗的魔女”的她们,通过“歌与音乐”来守护大家的笑容!