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  • 科内尔(肯特·麦克柯 Kent McCord 饰)的父亲是效力于军方的科学家,研制出了一种能够将死人复活的药剂,可是,复活后的人却会成为嗜血的怪物。科内尔的女友朱莉(美琳达·克拉克 Melinda Clarke 饰)在一场车祸中不幸身亡,伤心欲绝的肯特决定用这种药剂来复活他的女友,果不其然,复活后的朱莉虽然拥有清醒的甚至,却无法克制自己嗜血的欲望…
  • We are in the year 2001, a temporary ceasefire brings a much-needed break to a small war-torn village in Northern Nepal, bringing much joy among the residents. Prakash and Kiran, two young close friends, are also starting to feel the change in the air. Though they are divided by caste and social creed, they remain inse…
  • A journalist goes in search of the truth after a series of brutal deaths and disappearances lead back to an urban legend about a serial killing clown that has stalked the woods of Century Park for over a hundred years.
  • In the aggressive and often hostile world of youth grass roots football Adam (17) faces an ultimatum from the team captain (Mike) when they discover Adam's best friend Tom is gay.
  • Contemporary Moscow. After a car accident, champion athlete Sergey Borozdin suddenly has a psychic ability to see past events. When he becomes a suspect in a series of murders, he is forced to use this ability to find the real killer.
  • 能够给全世界与涅洛伊战斗的人们以及背井离乡的人们带来片刻安宁与治愈的独特航空团——那就是她们“联盟空军航空魔法音乐队光辉魔女”。  与在战斗中守护大家的统合战斗航空团魔女们完全相反的航空团,身为“不战斗的魔女”的她们,通过“歌与音乐”来守护大家的笑容!
  • <p>  改编自文国士原著《走过爱的蛮荒:撕掉羞耻印记,与温柔同行的偏乡教师》,剧中主角定邦过往成长的伤痕都沉积在心里,感情中他也不断在被伤害跟伤害人之间往复回旋。所以李英宏诠释这个角色?<br/>  文国士是一名偏乡教师,父母都患有思觉失调症,由奶奶带大。他成长过程不时受到讥讽和辱骂,因此常有羞耻感。文国士被贴标…
  • 笨贼John, Ben, Tim加上倒霉催的好友Michael抢劫了黑道老大Golden Pole 一笔钱,然后准备跑路。未料突遇冰岛火山喷发,飞机迫降立陶宛。原本以为可以在立陶宛逍遥一把。谁曾想Golden Pole已经尾随而来,而比Golden Pole更大的危险还在等着他们……
  • 斯坦利·图齐饰演一位已婚大学教授,爱迪生·蒂姆林饰演其门下写作天赋非常厉害的女学生,在一对一的写作教学中两人逐渐对彼此心生爱意,一段不可避免的“师生恋”就此展开。电影由理查德·莱文执导,詹妮安·加罗法洛、里奇·科斯特、科尔·比米尼菲等人参演。