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  • <p>  女警探+女法医的组合,以此成为卖点。TNT擅长并且喜好拍摄强势女性形象的剧集,比如closer, saving grace, etc. 所以你能猜到这两位女主角是怎样的女人。在案件方面,由于原作者对医学颇有研究,所以这方面是看点。另外,该剧模仿Criminal minds推出一些serial killer或copy killer的case,亦给剧情加分。&l…
  •   15名哥本哈根地铁乘客遭三名武装恐怖分子劫持,政府却拒绝支付赎金,该剧围绕着八天内人质、政府以及媒体各方行动展开。
  •   当乔·科伊登上舞台,布莱斯德尔竞技场爆发出巨大的笑声。乔·科伊回归推出第二部 Netflix 喜剧特辑《乔·科伊:热辣登场》,请您准备好欣赏令人眼花缭乱的草裙舞表演和自嘲式幽默。科伊火力全开,向观众介绍了如何抚养千禧一代,以及复杂的菲律宾传统等等!《乔·科伊:热辣登场》将于 6 月 12 日星期三在 Netflix 面向全球上线。
  • On the surface, Clara Barron seems to have it all a job as an OB-GYN; a great house in LA; and a loving family. But, the one thing Clara doesn't have figured out is her love life. Pressured by a family wedding in Mexico, Clara asks a co-worker to pose as her boyfriend for the weekend festivities,- only to be caught by …
  • With only nightmares for childhood memories, Lily Stone returns to her family home to find out what happened to her parents. Despite the locals' warnings about an evil presence cursing the house, Lily crosses the threshold and discovers not all the ghosts that haunt us are dead.
  • Satyendra aka Sattu (Rajkummar Rao) and Aarti (Kriti Kharbanda) meet for a proposed arranged marriage and fall in love in the process. On the night of their marriage, an unexpected turn of events turns their world upside down. Set in the backdrop of India's civil services, Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana explores the challenge…
  • A District Collector in India deals with water shortage problems in a village when she comes to realize that people are suffering a lot.
  • 身历其境的虚拟世界,让玩家们走火入魔分不清现实与虚拟。为了维护现实社会的安全。政府组织了特殊部门“C”负责浅入各个虚拟游戏检举违法的暴力。史塔斯和艾利克斯是最佳电竞审查员,也是游戏中的搭档。某天政府将改组C部门,最佳审查员将接任部长大位!为了赢得比赛,史塔斯在同事的建议下玩了一款极度拟真的虚拟实境游戏,由于一切太逼真了,…
  • 当高中高年级学生布莱德·李在毕业典礼当晚失踪时,他的女朋友被迫质疑她认为她知道的关于他和他们的关系以及她自己的信仰的一切,希望能找到他。
  • 关于片名,طلامس 为突尼斯方言之中的Talisman(护身符、驱邪物),中译驱邪之咒由法语片名sortilège(魔咒、法术)与阿语本意结合而得来。  S,本片的男主角原本是一名突尼斯旷野之中执行任务的士兵,后因母亲去世而进行了一周的休假,然而在回到故乡之后却沦为通缉人员。在意外之中,他逃到了一片有魔力的森林之中。  F,本片的女主…