搜索 Miller

  •   Tom, an aging man whose kids have left home, embarks on reliving his youth with his wife. They engage in wild antics, reminiscing about past adventures while embracing the freedom of their empty nest, surrounded by their animal companion…
  • 影片讲述了凯茜在丈夫去世两年后,神奇地让一个英俊的雪人复活的故事。雪人天真无邪,让凯茜重新欢笑、重新感受和爱,两人在节日来临之际坠入爱河……而雪人还没有融化。
  •   本片基于艾米·利普罗特所著回忆录,她和芬沙伊德改编剧本,讲述刚从康复中心出来的罗娜在离开十多年后,回到了苏格兰的奥克尼群岛,回到童年时的牧羊场,再度体会到了自然之美和静谧的珍贵。
  • 又是一年佳节(又)到,准备礼物真烦恼。结成小组互赠礼,还需外援加点料。  为了解决每年过节送礼物太麻烦的问题,M6+1结成了互助小组,有效减少需要准备的礼物总量。但他们没想到的是,这也让挑选礼物的难度增加了。于是,大家各显神通,却都遇上了些“小”麻烦。主角们最后能过个好节吗?
  • The initial announcement described the movie as “A documentary about branding, advertising and product placement is financed and made possible by branding, advertising and product placement.” Sounds like an interesting, if not gimmicky, co…
  • 这部紧张的心理惊悚影片讲述了一对夫妇多年来尝试各种办法都不能生育,有一天喝醉酒以后,这位“绝望的主妇”和一名陌生的年轻男子睡在了一起。为了证明自己与新出生的孩子有着父子血缘关系,年轻人开始疯狂地接近这家人。妻子为了拯救家庭,她不...
  • A pilots pregnant wife is killed by a band of thugs who break into their home. The gang is caught and sent off to prison. Wanting to see that "justice" is done the pilot stages his own death and then gets himself arrested so he can hunt the killers in the prisons into which they have been sent.    To be hones…
  • “是的,帕吉尼娅”圣诞动画特辑,2009年12月11日与美国CBS电视台播出,根据1897年的真实故事改编,一位名叫Virginia O'Hanlon的8岁小女孩,给当时著名的纽约台太阳报去信,询问世间是否真的有圣诞老人,报社编辑对此进行认真的回复:“是的,帕吉尼娅,圣诞老人是有的”。
  • 萨曼莎·哈里斯和三个朋友前往萨德岭乡下勘查一栋从素味平生的家人继承来的房子。刚抵达不久,萨曼莎脑中就开始出现野蛮残忍的画面和难以形容的邪恶幻觉。那股邪恶力量逐渐侵袭接近萨曼莎,使她陷入白日噩梦。而她前世的恶魔也逐渐显露出来..
  • 故事据真实事件改编,本片由罗伯逊县警长手机和摄像机的尸体上为素材,制造了一起灵异事件……