搜索 Meyer

  • <p>  瑞克曼博士前往亞馬遜河探險時,意外發現一具不尋常木乃伊,經科學驗證發現這具木乃伊是以高達三百歲的年紀過世的!<br/>  <br/>  為了尋找木乃伊長壽秘密,基科藥廠決定贊助瑞克與蘇珊兩名博士帶領一支探險隊重回發現地。途中,直昇機被閃電擊中,緊急迫降傑瓜部落屬地,幸好直昇機駕駛馬克臨時解圍,使得探險隊…
  • 肥胖的姑娘茱莉亚(艾丽森?汉妮根 Alyson Hannigan 饰)长久以来得不到爱神的眷顾,眼看一生要在家里的餐馆中做服务生度过。她古怪的家庭:希腊黑人父亲、印度母亲和一个日本妹妹不看好茱莉亚的婚姻,然而,一个英俊的顾客格兰特(亚当?坎贝尔 Adam Campbell 饰)再度激发了茱莉亚的爱火。茱莉亚找到神通的矮人红娘,在后者帮助下摇身一变成为窈…
  •   Document-stealing killer super ninjas are up to no good. A more robust and secure records management system could have discouraged such behavior
  • 绰号眼镜蛇的干探哥比提经常独行独断,一手持轻机枪,一手持点45,以自己的戒律对付无法无天的贼匪。这次哥比提正在追捕一个凶残的连环杀手,又要保证一个被下令灭口的女证人,令他疲于奔命。
  •   An experimental drug that is supposed to reduce aggression has the opposite effect on a baboon that is being experimented on by a group of medical students and their professor. While they are playing a fantasy role-playing game in their …
  • 自称来自牛津大学的精神病医生兼学者爱德华·纽盖特(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 饰)辗转来到了地处偏远的斯通赫斯特精神病院,他希望跟随卓有成就的塞拉斯·莱姆教授(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)学习相关治疗方法。塞拉斯神情阴郁,所采用的治疗方法更与当时盛行的方法迥然不同,不过似乎病患的精神状况都得到了一定程度的缓解和康复。在…
  •   米娜与爸爸约翰一直都是两人相依为命,直到爸爸遇见了他人生的新幸福 - 海伦!约翰跟海伦即将结婚,米娜也有了新姐姐珍妮,从此她的世界变得乱七八糟。珍妮又是个超坏心的女孩,一直想赶走米娜的豚鼠好朋友,米娜沮丧地不想跟新姐姐一起生活。某天晚上,米娜意外闯进梦里的...
  •   Two best friends try to make it through high school while dealing with embarrassing new urges and their very inconvenient feelings for each other.
  •   An ancient Inca martial arts manual is protected by its only heir with the best fighters in the world on the hunt after him, including his brother, which'll trigger the bloodiest revenge.
  •   A young man is found bruised, beaten and stumbling down a secluded road. As the police try to piece together what happened, the convoluted relationship between a young woman and her two suitors gradually emerges.