搜索 Melvin

  • 传说唐人街是黑社会的天下,各堂口之仇杀事件更不断发生。雷振是唐人街堂口头目,为人正直常不值其他堂口的种种暴行,而与各堂口结下不少仇口。曹安达是雷以前大学同学,又是别堂口头目,本是好友但因环境有别,便渐成水火。一日曹弟因醉酒在雷堂口之街道斗事,被雷手下枪杀,曹知其弟死讯后,即断定为雷所为,而其他堂口亦加入对付雷,一场血腥…
  • 三个孤儿院一起长大的孩子,命运跟他们开了个大玩笑,上演了一场警察与匪徒的对杀戏码,最终在对方的枪口下死去
  • Staff and students at a rural school react to a warning of an imminent nuclear attack, not knowing whether it is real or a mistake.
  • A group of insane asylum inmates flee a broken-down bus and occupy a nearby farmhouse. As they form a collective threaded by bizarre exercises and slapstick setups, the film spirals out into a freewheeling comedy of disorder, told with unusual verve and intensity, and featuring a dissonant, if deranged, soundtrack by f…
  • <p>  伊丽莎白(卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz 饰)在生活中是个不折不扣的贱人,但同时她还有着另一个身份——人民教师。在被前男友抛弃之后,她不得不重新回到了自己所厌恶的工作岗位上消极怠工。她一直对自己的胸部尺寸不太满意,这一次,她终于下定决心做隆乳手术,但在此之前,她得先凑齐昂贵的手术费用。新人教师斯科特(贾斯汀·…
  • <p>  The moon landing in 1969 was one of the greatest feats ever achieved by mankind, an epic journey by three legendary astronauts that tested the limits of human ingenuity. Or was it?<br/>  In the years since, many theories h…
  • <p>  澳大利亚SBS的犯罪喜剧《不寻常嫌犯 The Unusual Suspects》已在悉尼开拍,2021年播出。<br/>  这部4集迷你剧以悉尼东郊的高档住宅区为背景,讲述了一条价值数百万项链的失窃,以及来自不同行业的女性聚集在一起以确保正义得到伸张。</p>
  • 缪斯迫切希望加入臭名昭著的巴尔的摩越野车骑士The Midnight Clique,他们统治着夏季街头。 当午夜的领袖布拉克斯将14岁的缪斯带到他身边时,缪斯很快就发现自己在狭窄的道路和充斥着快速的金钱和暴力的道路之间挣扎。
  •   奈洛比的一位活动企划在离家十年后返乡,除了面对自己的过去,还得对抗一家企图毁她家园的矿业公司。
  • Following the death of her father, a 17-year-old girl is sent to live with her estranged family and finds comfort in a questionable friendship with a self-destructive neighbor, leading both on a startling path to self discovery.