搜索 McAllister

  • Young, trans Michael returns to his family home in the rural American West. His father takes him on a sultry exploit, striving to connect.
  • <p>  美国南方某偏僻小镇,华莱斯殡仪馆的老板弗雷瑟(道格•布拉德利 Doug Bradley 饰)盗取并出售死者器官,再命其子邦特(道格拉斯•罗伯特 Douglas Roberts 饰)将尸体丢入林中沼泽。其罪行隐蔽谨慎,长久以来无人知晓。某晚,华莱斯一家的罪行被路过的年轻人撞破,他们残酷割掉年轻人的肾脏,却也使罪行大白天下。<br/&…
  • 佛烈到印尼一小岛寻找石油,途中遇偷渡客积斯高与沉船获救的戴安。戴安被士人捉去祭神,原来士人膜拜的金刚是一头身高十丈的大猩猩。金刚对戴安起了怜惜之心,但佛烈却将金刚迷倒,送到纽约展览。金刚醒来却找寻戴安,大闹纽约。
  • Hunted by government agents and constantly assaulted by a cartel of vengeful thugs, an amnesiac known only as "626" searches for her true identity while protecting a teenage girl who shares her superhuman abilities; but when 626 uncovers the horrifying truth about her past, she must infiltrate enemy headquart…
  • <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>为了应对现代人肉体和精神上日益严重的压力与紧张,英国制药巨头N-gen公司开发出名代号为RAK295的机能提升补充剂。在投放市场前,N-gen找到3万个志愿者进行临床实验。两个月后,灾难如暴风雨般降临。RAK295引发极为严重的副作用,3万名志愿者几乎全部遭受痛苦的折磨,只有名为安吉拉·米尔斯(玛安娜·…