搜索 Martin

  •   西罗的身体正沉没在那不勒斯海湾的黑色水域里,在下沉的过程中,记忆不断涌现上来,水声与逃跑者的尖叫声混杂在一起。1980年发生了地震,大楼通通倒塌,破碎的瓦砾下,传出了婴儿的哭声。十年后,当初的婴儿已经长大,他无父无母,在那不勒斯的街头苟且活着。长期以来的经历都是他犯罪道路上最生动的教材,他也因此成为了——命硬仔西罗。
  •   Dealing with the pressure of his father and his need to be someone, Pablo decides to start a new shady, tricky business that will lead him to some happy but tragic experiences.
  • 本·普拉特(《致埃文·汉森》)、妮娜·杜波夫、Mena Massoud(《阿拉丁》)和戴米恩·刘易斯将主演新片《主宰这座城》(Run This Town) , Ricky Tollman编写剧本,并首执导筒。讲述一个年轻记者(普拉特)急于证明自己,他发现了一桩丑闻,涉及到一名浮华的、不可预测的政客(刘易斯),政客的助手们(杜波夫和Massoud)试图牵制住他们的老板,…
  • After years on the run, the mystery man known as Trick is back, but not on his own terms. Trick finds himself trapped in a cage with four other hostages - all of them paralyzed from the neck down. When Trick realizes that one of the other hostages is an old foe, Detective Epperson, the two begin working together to unc…
  •   The manager of the hospital strives to hinder the police investigation, but Ginés Castillo, the warden, talks to agents and tries to convince them that Catherine tried to commit suicide. Enrique will continue trying to find out who was …
  • <p>  抛锚!升起帆!<br/>  是时候开始有史以来最激动人心的冒险了,这是人类历史上第一次环球航行了!在同一个地方结束的旅行,它开始了,但在那之后,一切都将不再一样。这是一个勇敢的航海者的故事,他们执掌了历史,永远改变了历史的方向。正如许多人所知,麦哲伦开始了一段旅程,但我们故事的真正主人公胡安·塞巴斯蒂安·…
  • 康沃尔渔村的风景明信片田园诗误导了人们。虽然过去钓鱼是一种养家糊口的方式,但如今富有的伦敦游客纷纷下山,取代了当地人,当地人的生计因此受到威胁。史蒂文和马丁兄弟的关系也很紧张。马丁是一个没有船的渔夫,因为史蒂文开始用它来为一整天的游客提供更赚钱的旅游。他们卖掉了这座家庭别墅,现在看来,最后一场战斗是和新主人在海边的停车…
  • 1962 年古巴导弹危机期间,一名陷入困境的数学天才被选派参加一场美苏象棋比赛,并卷入了一场致命的间谍游戏。  在这部国际间谍惊悚片中,比尔·普尔曼与洛特·弗贝克、阿列克谢·谢列布里亚科夫、尼古拉斯·法瑞尔在赛场内外斗智斗勇。
  • 一伙悍匪趁夜袭击了一名年轻女子所在的医院来寻找他们的犯罪证据——残留在女子腿部的一颗子弹。一位受命保护女子的老警察成了此时女子免遭杀害的唯一希望。
  • Women on the Run. Vera has lived a wonderful life with Jindrich, and she is fully determined to fulfill his last wish - running a marathon. The emancipated and spirited mother of three daughters doesn't think that doing so will be a problem. She and her daughters will split up the route into four parts, and they'll ove…