搜索 Mark

  • 邪恶的克劳博士(托尼·马丁 Tony Martin 饰)锒铛入狱,令将他捉拿归案的G神探(弗伦奇·斯图尔特 French Stewart 饰)名声大噪。然而好景不长,G神探发现,随着时间的推移,自己身上的很多机能都发生了故障,因而惹出了一大堆的麻烦,G神探遭到了连连降职。  祸不单行,克劳博士越狱成功,正在酝酿更大的阴谋,想要把整个城市都毁于一旦。为…
  • Arrowhead is an interstellar Jekyll and Hyde, a survival story of a stranded mercenary who discovers the deadliest creature on the seemingly planet is himself.
  • When Lauren disappears from a night club and doesn’t return home the next morning, her mother, Michelle, to avoid publicity and a scandal, decides to search for her missing daughter. Michelle soon discovers that her daughter might have bee…
  • Clark doesn't care about you. He doesn't care about the world. He barely cares about himself. But after an incident with an old bowl of spaghetti and a malfunctioning microwave, he becomes a superhero that can fight crime with the power of spaghetti. However, you have to pay him.
  • 本片讲述的是在世界上最危险的大陆上,埋藏着最大的宝藏......
  • 故事始于纽约唐人街的龙年庆祝会,鞭炮声此起彼落,连串黑帮仇杀事件亦同时揭开序幕。新上任的华人黑帮头目祖儿,野心勃勃,眼见毒品市场盈利可观,于是决定铲除所有对他有威胁的人,并向意大利黑帮开战,血洗纽约街,一心要成为唯一的大赢家。干探伟特联同年青女记者,誓要将黑帮连根拔起,维持社会治安。
  • Two untalented singers (Sam Rockwell, Steve Zahn) are mistaken for a pair of major league safecrackers in Providence, Rhode Island. The two are pressed into service by the local hoodlums and quickly find themselves in conflict with their professional colleagues. Romantic interest is added by the daughter (Christina Kir…
  • Sonia is a neurotic jingle writer who's always dreamt of a big and exciting life. Surprised by a sudden proposal and subsequent ultimatum from her easy-going boyfriend, Chris, Sonia has to decide whether she'll join the ranks of her married friends or take a leap and pursue her fantasies. A whimsical romantic comedy th…
  • 本片讲述身为大学生的男女主人公在一次聚会中偶然相遇,在酒精麻醉下一夜温情后,男女主人公如何直面人生,一集各自有关成长,如何面对双方父母,如何规划自己人生的思考和斗争,上演了一幕又一幕感人的爱情画面。
  • 在波特家的地板缝里,居住着波德一家人,波德一族天生拥有着迷你的身材,靠着寄宿在人类家中,向人类借生活必备品维生。这一天,皮特(布莱德利·皮尔斯 Bradley Pierce 饰)向往常一样告别了父母前往学校,而他的父母也双双出门了,整个大房子成为了波德一家人的天下。  这一次,波德(约翰·古德曼 John Goodman 饰)带上了儿子皮特林(汤…