Family Time is a 2023 comedy-drama film written and directed by Tia Kouvo in her feature directorial debut. Starring Leena Uotila, Ria Kataja, Elina Knihtilä and Tom Wentzel, the film follows an annual family Christmas get-together that…
<p> When the harmony in a village is threatened by outside elements, two sisters must fight to save their people and restore the glory of a mermaid goddess to the land.<br/> 源自:nk2/?…
<p> The most vivid pages of Russian history and the establishment and consolidation of Russian state power are associated with the eighteen Russian Tsars of the House of Romanov which include such historic names as Peter the Great, …
Öznur is a young and beautiful woman. She has had a platonic love since childhood to Kudret, who is her cousin. Kudret, however, is married to a woman named Nisa and is very happy. Jealous, Öznur uses terrible black magic to change this…