<p> 故事发生在等级制度森严的英国,年轻的康妮(玛露 Malù 饰)终于等来了与自己分别多时的丈夫克利福特,但同时也等来了丈夫下半身永久瘫痪的噩耗。面对残酷的现实,善良的康妮只得默默接受。<br/> 一次偶然中,康妮邂逅了庄园的看林人米尔斯(莫里斯·波利 Maurice Poli 饰),后者健壮结实的躯体让康妮的内心激动难耐。…
A vicious gang war for drug dominance draws in a disturbed Special Forces veteran John Bradley. Trying to adjust to normal life and haunted by inner demons of a violent past, the underworld's retribution on his last connection to humanit…
A doctor takes in a mysterious man who washes ashore at her remote cottage with a gunshot wound. Quickly they both learn the killer has arrived to finish the job, while a storm has cut them off from the mainland.