搜索 Loic

  • 知名电视节目主持人乔治(丹尼尔·奥特尤尔 Daniel Auteuil 饰)与妻子安娜(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche 饰)、儿子皮埃尔一家三口的平静生活被乔治从家门口捡来的录像带打破,这盒录像带显示有人静静地注视着乔治家的一举一动。很快,更多的录像带 和恐吓性质的明信片寄到了乔治及家人手上。乔治对看不见的敌人殊为紧张,开始小心保护儿…
  • 大卫·田纳特(《神秘博士》《好兆头》)将主演一部新的《八十天环游地球》剧集。再度改编儒勒·凡尔纳的著名小说,田纳特饰演智慧、善良的英国绅士斐利亚·福克。因为一次大胆的打赌,福克踏上了80天内环游地球的旅程,包括中国的戏份。小说曾多次改编影视,比如成龙、史蒂夫·库根等出演的2004年电影。  这部新剧还有法国年轻演员Ibrahim…
  •   Apollon is a teenager hung up by the social ideals of masculinity. He fantasizes about having the perfect body - complete with big beefy muscles and a big banana.
  •   Paris, summer 2020. Actors from “la Comédie-Française”, France’s most prestigious theater, rehearse Christophe Honoré’s new play, an adaptation of Marcel Proust’s “The Guermantes Way”. When the show is suddenly canceled, the drama gr…
  • 一个电影摄制组在法国小城毕加索选了四个“问题青少年”担任主要演员,引发社区居民的质疑。这是导演丽丝·阿科卡和罗曼·格雷特以短片《皇室狩猎》叩开戛纳电影节大门后的第一部剧情长片。影片采用戏中戏手法,启用非职业演员,将他们的个体经历采编进剧本,构建起虚实交错的立体结构推进剧情,提出电影作为媒介应如何引导现实思考的问题,并在…
  •   Young Felix grows up as an inside spectator at cycling races, a bizarre environment where violence and drugs seem to reign. Following his father's footsteps, Felix discovers that his body is not made for the game
  •   An exceptional documentary, Les Dessins d'Yves Saint Laurent by Loïc Prigent is an exclusive immersive and intimate glimpe from the perspective of Pierre Bergé, into the creative world of the couture designer through his numerous sketch…
  •   Written by Guillaume Renusson and Clément Peny, the story (which won the Audience Award for Best Screenplay for a First Feature Film at Angers’ European First Film Festival) revolves around Samuel who, in the aftermath of a recent trage…
  • Alors que Julie pense décrocher un CDI dans une fabrique d'escarpins de luxe, un plan social vient chambouler ses rêves de stabilité entre lutter aux côtés d'ouvrières frondeuses ou bien faire profil bas, la jeune femme ne sait sur quel …
  • Apollon is a teenager hung up by the social ideals of masculinity. He fantasizes about having the perfect body - complete with big beefy muscles and a big banana.