- Albert and Bruno are in the red, compulsive consumers, over-indebted, they live between petty schemes for one and a personal life adrift for the other. It is in the associative path, which they both take to get their heads above water, that they will come across young rebellious activists, climate alarmists, lovers of …
- 因人体实验成为改造人类的キサラギ,正被一个组织追击。 这个组织是企图征服被分割的“东京”的不死吸血鬼团体“不死骑士团”。 发誓为死去的头目复仇的黑帮成员们也加入了追捕,形势升级为多方对抗。 “原本没有理由活下去,但也没有理由被这些家伙杀掉──” 运用改造过的身体中嵌入的各种武器和自己特殊的“血”,キサラギ地狱般…