搜索 Leon

  •   Josh(Jonathan Sadowski)是一位年轻富有的旧金山高科技企业家,他遇到年轻时尚、争强好斗的饮食博客作家Gabi(Emily Osment)后立即决定聘用她担任自己的私人厨师,两个原本不可能交叉的世界开始相互碰撞。Gabi并非一个十分优雅完美的厨师,她为人率直,甚至有些愚笨,风格令人瞠目结舌。不过她的厨艺确实精湛,仿佛早就知道别人想要吃什…
  • Christy(Anna Faris)是那帕谷地一家高档餐厅的女服务员,已经戒酒四个月了。她竭尽全力来当一个好母亲,避免重蹈覆辙——过去她屡次做出错误的选择,差点把她的一生都给毁了!一切本来相安无事,直到Christy的母亲Bonnie(多次艾美奖得主Allison J anney)决定搬来和她一起住。Bonnie和Christy一样也曾是个酒鬼母亲,屡次戒酒屡次再犯。…
  • 本片根据真实故事改编。高中毕业生加布里埃尔准备在进入大学前,环游世界一年。十个月后,他和女友一同到达了非洲的肯亚。在这里,他想探索更多,于是他只身穿越各个村落,结识了新的朋友,最终到达了他旅途的终点——马拉维的姆兰杰山脉。
  •   Lauren wants to rebuild her community, including her family home, in the aftermath of a devastatingly disastrous storm.
  •   A story of enduring love between Leonard Cohen and his Norwegian muse Marianne Ihlen. The film follows their relationship from the early days in Greece, a time of ‘free love’ and open marriage, to how their love evolved when Leonard beca…
  •   保拉在厄瓜多尔的基多长大,是三姐妹中最小的那个。梦想迸发,分道扬镳,爱情绽放又凋零。导演圣地亚哥•凯塞多在他的长片处女作中,将厄瓜多尔漫画师“保拉能量”(Powerpaola)的自传转化成了快节奏又大胆的动画影像。呼吁解放的抗议游行与爱的宣言一同形成了一种对当代拉美讽刺的观察视角。
  •   Seventeen-year-old Carlos doesn't fit in anywhere, not in his family nor with the friends he has chosen in school. But everything changes when he is invited to a mythical nightclub where he discovers the underground nightlife scene: punk…
  • <p>  TNT警匪新剧《孟菲斯蓝调》主要描述孟菲斯警探Dwight Hendricks(Jason Lee扮演)的故事。Dwight虽然有些怪癖,但对孟菲斯这座城市盛满了感情。他酷爱蓝调音乐,虽然年纪已经不小了,可依然整天粘着老妈。他被人称作「孟菲斯的守护者」,一个真正的「南方绅士」。他用自己的言行举止来保护这座城市里的居民,守卫这座城市的历史-…
  •   Clare Balding and Steve Leonard join teams of pioneering vets around the world who are using the most cutting-edge techniques, often adapted from human medicine, to save the lives of animals.
  •   在朋友和粉丝的帮助下,麦芬医生过了一个毕生最难忘的生日