- 该剧是讲述猎奇饼干女王Christine McConnell的故事,Christine McConnell在现实生活中就是一个玩心十足又才华横溢的面包师兼艺术家,她手里的饼干总是如此诡异又猎奇,那么如果把家里布置鬼灵精怪的糕点、令人发毛的工艺以及无比疯狂的生物会怎样?
- Benjamin Bernard has lived his life in the shadow of his brother. Torn between jealousy and loyalty, Benjamin takes out his aggression as a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter. After an event nearly shatters the life of his brother, Benjamin must face his overwhelming feelings of anger and resentment as he discovers the t…
- <p> 第1集<br/> 在本集节目中团队提出了一个最基本的问题,猫如何通过看听和嗅,来认识周围的世界。对于人类来说视觉是主要的感官,那么猫呢?<br/> 第2集<br/> 本节目将揭示你所喜爱的宠物,如何转变成好斗的猎食者。我们的猫和它们的大型猫科远亲有着相同的捕猎天性,它们也表现出了巡逻和保护自己领地的…
- Elliot, Boog and all of the beloved woodland creatures are back in a brand new comedy adventure.
- Elliot, Boog and all of the beloved woodland creatures are back in a brand new comedy adventure.