搜索 Lan

  • An isolated town in Alaska where a contamination occurs after a minor meteorite explosion.
  • A group of middle school kids stumble upon a chest full of incredible toys from the future. The discovery takes them on an adventure using their newfound toys to save their neighborhood and ultimately the world from a maniacal corporate madman. In the process, these loser kids learn they have the qualities they thought…
  • 故事讲述刚离婚不久的格雷格(威尔逊饰)遇到了迷人的伊莎贝尔(海耶克饰)。伊莎贝尔住在大街上,认为这个被污染、破败不堪的世界并不是真实的。她相信这个丑陋的世界是在一个美丽、和平、“真实”的极乐世界的内部。起初格雷格表示怀疑,但他最终发现这个理论很有道理。
  • 一个巨大的陨石进入地球轨道并开始逐渐瓦解,它的碎片像淋浴一样洒向地球。  In this End Times thriller, a gigantic meteors enters Earth's orbit and begins to disintegrate, showering the entire planet with debris..
  • In the distant future, a large portion of humanity lives on Mars, in cities that resemble those once found on Earth. The cities are protected from the inhospitable Martian atmosphere by dome-like force-fields. When a massive sandstorm breaks through the dome and destroys Mars New York, those in Mars Los Angeles must fi…
  • 一个独特的,亲密的和诚实的描绘一个女孩悲伤的失去她最好的朋友。这恰好发生在我们所知道的世界末日的那一天。  由黑暗中几个人莫名其妙的对话开始,讲述了女主人公在自己的朋友死去后,无意中发现了朋友生前录制好的录音带,追寻着提示,一步步拯救了世界的故事。但是,真正的灾难却才刚刚开始……
  • Marple is asked by her lawyer, Christian Gilbranson, to visit his step-mother, Carrie Louise Serrocold, an old friend of Miss Marple's, at her country estate. Carrie's husband, Lewis, confides to Miss Marple that he suspects someone is slowly poisoning his wife, and when Gilbranson visits the mansion, he is mysteriousl…
  • 幼时丧母的爱莉克丝,她意外发现一个能唤醒午夜凶灵的邪恶游戏。最邪恶的凶灵正一步步伺机逼近。幼时丧母的爱莉克丝与久病的奶奶安娜同住,某日奶奶请爱莉克丝去阁楼帮忙拿一面复古镜子,却让她意外发现一个能唤醒午夜凶灵的邪恶游戏。不信邪的爱莉克丝与好友,在好奇心的驱使下遵循规则进行游戏,殊不知地狱之门已经悄然开启,最邪恶的凶灵正一…
  • 在欠债一变态毒枭,三个绝望的年轻人被迫实施的公然抢劫。什么开始作为一个简单的计划:在七分钟迅速升级为一个危险的游戏,生或死。作为抢劫的每分钟运转的,真正的动机是揭示和意想不到的曲折加大赌注一个激动人心的高潮。
  • 每个人都梦想成为另一个人……但对Claire(娜亚拉唐珊德Najarra Townsend 饰)来说,这个梦想从痴迷变成一场恶梦。白天是发型师,晚上是连环杀手兼头皮收藏家。当常客Olivia(布瑞亚格兰特BreaGran t饰)聘请Claire担任她婚礼当天的发型师,寂寞的Claire的生活开始陷入混乱。痴迷于Olivia看似完美无缺的生活,Claire誓言要金盆洗手,改…