搜索 Lan

  • 一晃十年过去,地球人和虫族的战争如火如荼,愈演愈烈。某日,空军元帅奥玛?阿诺克(斯蒂芬?霍根 Stephen Hogan 饰)来地球人的远方农场罗库山视察,时任上校的强尼?瑞克(加斯帕?范?迪恩 Casper Van Dien 饰)也一同前来。在此期间,阿诺克的心智被虫王操控,他切断了隔离区的电力,使基地完全失去保护。是夜,虫族对隔离区发动总攻,地球军虽…
  • 在兒子在夜總會外遭到野蠻毆打之後,外科醫生將法律掌握在自己手中並尋求對肇事者進行報復。
  • Twenty years after the disappearance of her daughter, a recovering alcoholic is preparing to host her family's Christmas celebration when her estranged ex-bother-in-law arrives unannounced, bearing nostalgic gifts and a heavy secret.
  • Kate Parks has spent the past year on tour promoting her book, an in-depth look at the attempted cover up of her husband's death in a plane crash. Now all she wants is to return home to her daughter, 15-year-old Samantha. But when a powerful solar flare strikes her flight home, killing the pilot, knocking out the co-pi…
  • 观赏这部穿插 14 首 #桃莉·巴顿原创歌曲的 Netflix 佳节音乐片,享受冬青树摇曳的 #2020 圣诞节。  《小镇圣诞爱》描述闪闪发光的天使(桃莉)找上小镇裡的「吝啬鬼」雷吉娜·富勒(克莉丝汀·巴伦斯基饰),引领她展开一趟乐音缭绕的救赎之旅。吝啬的地主会在圣诞夜把富勒镇的居民通通逐出家门,还是圣诞精神终究会融化她的贪婪慾望呢?  …
  • 妈妈去世,爸爸姐姐各怀心事,就在那个晚上,孤僻的9岁男孩男孩约翰斯交上了一个不寻常的“小”朋友:一个会魔法的小人——维普啦啦(Wiplala)。维普啦啦和他的魔法,将约翰斯和他的家人们带进了一场不寻常的冒险之旅。
  • 2008年的一天,挪威沃达大学托马斯(Glenn Erland Tosterud 饰)、乔安娜(Johanna M?rck 饰)组成的摄制组,前往偏远山区追踪猎熊人。在合法的猎人中间,他们口耳相传着一个名叫汉斯的男子,他被形容成为无法无天的刽子手。摄制组来到汉斯的所在的 拖车公园等候,并成功见到汉斯,然而对方并不予以配合。这群年轻人百折不挠,决定持续跟踪,结…
  • 邓肯(杰西·赫德 Jesse Head 配音)的爸爸是一个身高127英尺、名叫贝洛克的怪兽。他希望邓肯能够成为下一任"怪兽之王",但是邓肯的妈妈却希望儿子能过上正常人的生活,完成高中学业。  邓肯的爸爸不断派遣手下对儿子的实力进行测试,而邓肯则需要运用自己的特殊能力——喷火和超强能量,来保护他的朋友和家人。一场人类与怪兽之间…
  • It's Christmas and Zip and Zap are up to their old tricks. But this time they've gone too far and their punishment will be no Christmas vacation and a seemingly boring boat trip with their parents instead. To their surprise, the destination is a spectacular remote island. But a terrifying storm rolls in and they're for…
  • Tiana, Moana, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Ariel are off on an adventure as they are each unexpectedly transported to a mysterious castle. Shortly after arriving, they soon discover that Gaston has hatched an evil plan to take over all their kingdoms!. The Princess characters must work together to solve challenges hidden …