Allen Sunshine tells the story of a former music mogul who retreats to an isolated lakeside home to grieve his famous wife’s suicide. He copes by composing ambient-electronic music and nurturing an unexpected friendship with two young boys…
<p> In the time of Counter-Reformation, a miller and his son come under investigation by a priest of the Inquisition, when rumors spread that their prosperity comes from working with the Devil.<br/> The Devil's Trap is a film…
<p> #WorkinMoms SEASON 4 comin' at ya, WINTER 2020! Stream seasons 1-3 right now on #CBCGem! #Season4 #CBCUpfronts @cbc @cbctelevision @cbccomedy @reitcatou @jessalynwanlim @DaniKind @JunoRinaldi<br/> 来源官方推特</p>