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  •   Nickie Ferrante(加里·格兰特 Cary Grant 饰)是一个游手好闲的有钱人,在一艘游轮上邂逅了Terry McKay (黛博拉·蔻儿 Deborah Kerr饰)。两人相谈甚欢,Nickie更是船临时靠岸的时候带着Terry去了一个乡镇上看望了他的奶奶,Terry发现了Nickie在油画上的天赋。两人间情愫暗生。船到了终点站纽约,两人要分开了,约定半年后在纽约帝国大厦…
  •   Set on Christmas Eve in a small convenience store near the bottom of the socioeconomic food chain where a hostage situation breaks out over a $156 million lottery ticket.
  • <p>  布拉德(杰米·肯尼迪 Jamie Kennedy 饰),一个生活在加州马里布市的白人孩子,却痴迷于美国黑人饶舌音乐。他自认为是马里布最火爆的饶舌歌手,时常自称"B-拉德"。尽管他来自一个显赫的白人家庭,但他的言谈充满了贫民窟孩子们的俚语和黑话,仿佛自己成长在贫困社区。他幻想着过上黑帮分子般刺激的生活,这种想法深深扎…
  •   It follows a college student as she boards a party train for Halloween, and ends up fighting for her life when a mysterious assailant begins killing the people one-by-one.
  •   肥胖或超重会对一个人产生多大的影响?在镜子面前自我否定,在他人面前抬不起头,在梦想面前望而却步。由于一次分手便开始以暴饮暴食来处理情绪导致最终超重的肯尼·塞勒斯,终于决定做些改变。他将开始为期40天的清水禁食,并用他的故事告诉全世界的肥胖人群,要从此时此刻开始给自己定下目标,持之以恒地努力,不放弃不屈服,用坚定的信念…
  •   A small town cop has settled into a peaceful existence. He is reunited with a good friend from Canada’s security agency and told to be on the lookout for Russians that have disappeared in his County. The Russians are a group of cyber-te…
  •   When her parents are murdered, Nneka encounters the Queen of the Coast who offers to help her in revealing the identities of people who killed her parents. This changes the course of her life as she sets out on a mission of revenge.
  • 本片根据真人真事改编。Bobby(瑞恩·凯利 Ryan Kelley 饰)是一个善良、虔诚的少年,有爱他的家人。但在他向家人坦白自己的性倾向后一切改变了。母亲Mary(西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)认为同性恋会下地狱的训诫,想尽办法矫正儿子。而Bobby的痛苦与日俱增。在满20岁生日前Bobby认识了开朗青年David,可Mary拒绝接受,并以有一…
  •   小行星撞击地球,主要大地受到名为「忍」(シノビ)的毒害,形成异形攻击人类,人们只能逃向以前是海底的「海陆」;拯救的方法唯有复活「机神将」(机神将(ギガロード))。约五百年后,亡国「伊势」的公主巫女雨、与拥有人间兵器「柳生」(ヤギュウ)之血的少年周防二人挺身而出……
  •   The collapse of the dollar precipitates widespread rioting and social unrest across the nation, leaving a lovesick girl struggling to care for her siblings in a stretch of woods bordered by lawless anarchy, wondering why a good God would…