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  •   DEBUT is about Philip who dreams of becoming a model. At a casting he gets the chance to be photographed with the well-known model Sebastiaan, they fall in love. During the photo shoot, Philip pushes his limits more and more in order to …
  • The unemployed Duval is contacted by a mysterious organization to transcribe intercepted calls. He accepts the job with no suspicions, since it restores stability to his life, but it will soon result in political shenanigans of all kinds.
  •   漫天尘飞中,男孩打闹间练习掷石驱狼;女孩叼着麦杆漫聊闲话。村里老人讲述着奇幻故事:「传说中,喀什米尔狼能站立行走,狼皮下是个绿色裸体妖精…」突然虚实跨了界,分野不再清晰。新锐女导演克服拍摄地政局紊乱的风险,细致捕捉阿富汗山村放牧日常,展示带有魔幻风采,却又宛如纪实电影般描绘细微众生面向的作品。
  • 二十年前,科索沃山边的库许村,一场残酷的大屠杀夺走了当地许多男性的生命,至今仍有不少人下落不明。独力照顾两个孩子和老丈人的法莉一肩扛起家中生计,在丈夫失踪多年后,她决定和镇上一群有着相似境遇的妇女们一起创业,靠着自制的美味红椒酱争取经济独立。在这民风保守、充满父权意识形态的厌女社会,不怀好意的小镇居民总在背后闲言闲语,…
  • The film starts with a masked killer entering an apartment and murdering a young couple, Krish and Shruti one cold, rainy night in Coimbatore. Five years later, Deepak, the retired police inspector who lost his leg while investigating the case, receives a call from a friend. The friend's son is adamant on becoming a po…
  •   洛特是个冲动易怒,浑身棱角的女人。在柏林的街道上花天酒地的她,一晚偶遇了一位几乎都要忘记的马塞尔。就在马塞尔认出洛特的时候,她却匆匆离开,逃到了朋友家。第二天在医院工作时,一个叫格蕾塔的年轻女孩受伤进了医院,她们对彼此产生了喜爱之情。而这份感情却因为洛特碰巧看见格蕾塔和马塞尔两人在一起而破灭。他们的面面相觑,也注定…
  • Diogo (17) likes to make anonymous phone calls to his psychoanalyst mother’s patients. That’s how he meets Angela (43), who had just been left by her husband. Although she is first irritated by learning about Diogo and his secret, Angela f…
  •   The film tells the story of three people for a year: a son (Magimel) diagnosed with cancer, a mother (Deneuve) suffering from helplessness and a doctor (Cécile de France) to do her job: One year and four seasons for these three characte…
  •   A 16-year-old girl embarks on a journey of life where she deals with understanding herself, the changing world, bullying, academic pressure and her transcending journey of first love.
  • When Bangalore University’s misfit quiz team manages to get into the national championships, they make an alcohol-fueled, cross-country journey to the competition, determined to defeat their arch-rivals from Calcutta while all desperately …