搜索 Kan

  • 一生的挚友乌绮和托樱同时爱上了一个复杂的男人。面对令人心碎的真相,她们对彼此的忠诚受到了考验。
  •   此剧讲述自发成为单身妈妈的女主角东熙,为了成为设计师而孤军奋战地生活,遇到不懂事的财阀二世后发生的故事。
  • 咖啡店关门时...他为商店的重新开张和成长做了一切,却不知道爱情即将发生。
  •   Recep and Nurullah decide to go village house, which is inherited from his grandma. Recep finds out the existence of a big project, that will damage the village and the surrounding forests. Villagers will fight against the project with R…
  •   34 岁的单身女子艾索肯被母亲安排与一名黑人企业家交往,但她却发现自己爱上了一名白人摄影记者。
  •   Fuse的故事,工程界帅气的月亮,不知道该怎么办。不管他有多帅,他还是找不到对象。然后是阿纳,一个很好的牙医,她的微笑让福塞的心颤抖。是那一个,不是吗?人人都称之为“坠入3452米深的爱河”的症状这种症状,是过敏吗?是的,一定是,因为不管你往哪里看只有粉色。Fuse从单身俱乐部辞职。P'Yiwa,请理解。~~改编自faddist的小说…
  •   老套的剧情,又是宇宙怪物降临地球然后虐杀人类,几个毛头小子成了怪物的猎物,然后一起逃亡一起反击,还有……一起ML……
  •   CAN witnesses a murder in a small town.The police don't allow him to leave after his testimony.On the other hand,a quarantine is declared due to rabid dogs.The whole town turns into purgatory with no exit is almost at the edge of insanit…
  • Aspiring martial artist Ria Khan believes she must save her older sister, Lena, from her impending marriage. With the help of her friends, Ria attempts to pull off the most ambitious of all wedding heists in the name of independence and sisterhood.  源自:
  • 这部由法国和塞内加尔联合制作的影片在法国和塞内加尔拍摄,讲述了1917年,Bakary Diallo为了与从军入伍、年仅17岁的儿子Thierno团聚,应征加入法国军队的故事。  两人被派往前线,一同参战。在上级军官的激励下,Thierno受命奔赴战场,希望超越自我,成为一个男人。而他的父亲Bakary则努力不惜一切代价阻止儿子前往战场,保他安然无虞。