- 《无耻之徒第二季》根据同名英剧改编,故事由曼彻斯特被搬到了风城芝加哥,在经济萧条的大背景下,一个工人阶级的家庭,一个经常被发现睡在客厅地板上的酒鬼一家之主,一个不称职的老妈,他们的女儿,18岁的Fiona承担下了抚养他5个弟弟妹妹责任,这对她来讲似乎是个不可能完成的任务。热闹非凡的家庭日常生活夹杂着爱情,冒险,欺诈,温情等等有…
- Sarah Lancashire returns in the acclaimed BBC thriller written by Sally Wainwright. No-nonsense police sergeant Catherine Cawood is back heading up her team of dedicated police officers in the Calder Valley in West Yorkshire. While on duty, she makes a gruesome discovery – a body. The victim’s injuries bear a striking …