Set during Christmas 1988, Lol is haunted by the devastating events that took place two and a half years before. She and Woody both find themselves struggling to cope with their lives without each other after he leaves the gang. Lol is c…
A group of British tunnelers dig underneath no man's land, from the Allied trenches to the German trenches, and set bombs under the German front in hopes of breaking the deadly stalemate of the Battle of Messines.
玛雅人M.C.遵循以西结“EZ”雷耶斯的生活,玛雅人M.C.宪章的成员在卡利/墨西哥边境。EZ、他的兄弟安吉尔(Angel)以及圣帕德雷教会(Santo Padre M.C.)的其他成员都面临着来自其他特许学校的报复,因为他们试图在一位国王的统治下结盟失败了。与此同时,EZ和天使已经远离他们的父亲费利佩(爱德华詹姆斯奥尔莫斯饰)在一个令人心痛的背叛后。