"The Tongue of The Sun" is a story of the end of our planet and how two ordinary people that live an extraordinary love generate the genesis needed to give the human race a new chance. In the mysterious alchemy that is love; li…
Florida party girl Rex (Roberts) turns out to be the only hope for the NASA space program after a fluke puts her in training with other candidates who may have better resumes, but don't have her smarts, heart and moxie.
<p> 该片基于Tilar J. Mazzeo所著小说《The Widow Clicquot: The Story of a Champagne Empire and the Woman Who Ruled It》,讲述19世纪法国凯歌酒庄早年的坚韧发家历程,将这个标志性橙色品牌背后的迷人年轻女子形象栩栩如生地展现出来。<br/> 凯歌香槟1772年由商人菲利普·克里科创立,其子弗朗索瓦·克里…