Diablero is centered around Father Ramiro Ventura, a fallen priest who finds himself seeking the aid of legendary "diablero" or demon hunter Elvis Infante. With the aid of Nancy Gama, a modern day superhero, this improbable tri…
In order to prevent a deadly explosion, an illicit crack team has 24 hours to drive two truckloads of nitroglycerine across a desert laden with danger.
Canadian director V.T. Nayani’s feature debut, starring Devery Jacobs and Priya Guns, is a queer love story about two young women — one Iranian and Kanienʼkehá꞉ka, the other Tamil — living in Toronto and dealing with difficult family l…
Follows a young man very passionate about music. He has to come to terms with an uncertain future while balances his loving life, family and Brazilian culture in New Jersey.
<p> When the harmony in a village is threatened by outside elements, two sisters must fight to save their people and restore the glory of a mermaid goddess to the land.<br/> 源自:nk2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffestival.sundance.org%2Fp…