The Kim O. Nguyen directed, D.J. Mausner scripted movie follows best friends Jess and Hannah (Gentry and Lester), who make a pact at 13 to have the perfect senior prom. Despite the impending changes that college will bring over the next …
在艾美奖获奖剧集“Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock”的第二季中,重新启动了Jim Henson心爱的经典“Fraggle Rock”,Fraggles回来进行更多史诗般的有趣冒险!这一次,随着巨大的变化影响着岩石,Fraggles, Doozers和Gorgs,他们将被迫面对他们的过去,庆祝他们的相互依存,因为他们带着希望,愚蠢和全新的歌曲一起度过挑战,所有的烦恼都在Fr…
Hulu announced on Wednesday that the Letterkenny spinoff Shoresy has been renewed for a third season, ahead of Season 2’s premiere this Friday. Six new episodes will shoot in Sudbury this fall.