- In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal mushroom organism. Forced on a journey through the wilderness to find a new bunker in which to continue their research, they come into conflict with an armed gang that use…
- <p> yle=color: rgb(102, 102, 102); f>老伯爵von Lieberhaus,他总是喜欢在远处,坐在自己的劳斯莱斯里,用着望远镜偷看着,小镇上那些年轻漂亮的小女孩,在沙滩上嬉戏玩耍,或者是更换泳衣。这个老色鬼死了也不给人安宁,在遗嘱中他做了一个颠覆性的决定,这个决定就是,如果镇上的女孩不能在金牛座来临时候,生出一个非婚的孩子,那…