搜索 Jo

  • 本片根据真实事件改编。描述一对夫妇攀登雪山却遭遇险境……
  • 四个20岁来自穷乡僻壤匹兹堡北部的孩子,他们陷入工作的困境,和家人关系又岌岌可危一个孩子从流行资讯里得到启发,计划在离家稍微远点的地方,通过组织未成年人的秘密活动取得大量资金,例如预定比赛,玩扑克,聚会等。一天晚上,4个年轻人偶然发现了新的邻居,2个妓女,贾斯帕和坎蒂丝,他们想到了新的赚钱办法。迫于生活无奈,2个人答应了4…
  • 这部音乐剧DVD取材于耶稣的生平事迹,韦伯创新地将严肃的宗教故事和前卫的摇滚音乐联系起来,是一部艺术表现非常大胆、思想性也极为深刻的作品。如果说《约瑟夫与神奇彩衣》是对圣经故事的图解,那么《万世巨星》从表面上看简直就是对传统的颠覆与反动:上帝的儿子耶稣不再时刻带着圣哲的光环,他有软弱,有动摇,更多的人性代替了神性;犹大卖…
  • 单身母亲安吉(凯尔丝通·沃尔英 Kierston Wareing 饰)随移民中介公司前往波兰公司,然而因为不堪忍受恶劣同事,安吉丢掉了工作,不甘心失败的安吉与室友罗斯(朱莉·爱丽丝 Juliet Ellis 饰)决定成立自己的职业中介。安吉雷厉风行,很快联系各工厂主,租来了场地开业,在创业阶段,安吉为了生存不惜冒着非法经营的危险,将外籍劳工们的收入以…
  • Young boy with autism causes of hardships for his old parents, as his father isn`t accepting the fact that he is different from the rest while his mother is trying her best to fit his needs. His mother later finds the right people to help her cute son live his life for good.
  • 安娜和薇琪是艾福德的侄女,两人为了筹给妈妈治病,跟随艾福德来到马尼拉。一心想要工作的两人没想到艾福德是一个皮条客,把两人骗来就是让两人接客赚钱。安娜无法接受现实,便自杀身亡,坚强的薇琪留了下来,她发誓要找到艾福德为安娜报仇。于是薇琪便穿梭各大色情场所,寻找报仇的机会,最后薇琪终于了了心愿,亲自杀了害死安娜的仇人…
  • based upon the music by legendary Swedish artist Tomas Ledin, En del av mitt hjärta is a musical drama about Isabella, a driven business woman and a real hot shot within the Stockholm finance world. When she returns to her small hometown t…
  • Set in the 1930s, an American with a scandalous reputation on both sides of the Atlantic must do an about-face in order to win back the woman of his dreams.
  • 十六世纪初,皇后卡丝玲不能生育,英皇亨利八世和卡丝玲离异,另立恩妮为皇后。恩妮有野心,想杀享利八世自立为王。1517年,恩妮的密谋败露了,被享利八世送上断头台。恩妮执行死刑的当晚,亨利八世与第三个妻子祺恩结婚。祺恩在一次外出围猎时,难产死亡,留下一子威尔斯。克伦威尔和大臣们从政治关系的角度考虑,奏请享利迎娶德国杏公主为皇后…
  • On 21. September 2013, telecommunications satellite APV-1312 belonging to French media group CanalDouble crashes into the Brandenburg Gate, cutting a trail of destruction as far as the Reichstag. 56 delegates die. Thirteen minutes later, all around the world more and more satellites plummet to earth. Communications, as…