Ashionye, a reluctant Nigerian Shaman living in the south of England, who has been hired by an old family friend, Isioma Williams, to investigate and expel a malevolent spirit that has been tormenting her family after the death of her es…
Gala's life collapsed when her husband accuses family in financial improprieties. To escape criminals Gala, Julia(mother), daughter hide out in a town in northern Spain. Trying to remain anonymous gossip spreads and family secrets unrave…
讲述处男Almond请求三位室友Latte、Tanwa和Peak帮忙交往对象,如果他们中的一个设法把他和他喜欢的人联系上,他将支付一年的租金。渴望谈一场恋爱而坠入艳福不浅的大海,却意想不到恋爱之神来敲门,他发现自己爱上了Latte。 Virgin Almond makes a wager with his three roommates—Latte, Thanwa and Peak…