搜索 Jen

  • <p>  在黑人青年埃尔金(马奎斯·休斯顿 Marques Houston 饰)和大卫(Omarion Grandberry 饰)的生命中,舞蹈有着不可撼动的崇高地位,无论是快乐还是悲伤,他们都能通过舞蹈将感情传递和发散出来。互为死党的两人有一个共同的梦想,那就是能够通过舞蹈一举成名,他们想要将他们独特的舞姿录成录影带公开发行,通过他们的热情带领更多…
  •   Marine Biologist Jason and his wife Abby goes to Pola, Mindoro where he is tasked to lead the rehabilitation and preservation of a fish sanctuary. There, he meets his diving assistant Dennis and the two hit it off instantly. As they work…
  •   A small town cop has settled into a peaceful existence. He is reunited with a good friend from Canada’s security agency and told to be on the lookout for Russians that have disappeared in his County. The Russians are a group of cyber-te…
  •   Exploring how one man's brilliance, hubris and relentless drive changed the nature of war forever.
  •   Three things are certain about base jumping. You will break your bones. You will watch your friends die. And – if you do it long enough – it will eventually kill you. In this heady, testosterone-packed environment, adrenaline junkie Kar…
  •   Rakka was born with the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead. This ability tortures him, as they often appear to help settle their grudges or solve their problems. Rakka often helps police uncover murder suspects and where…
  • 权势滔天的台湾帮会首领被神秘刺客暗杀,其长子 — 传奇杀手查尔斯·孙(钱裕扬饰)— 前往洛杉矶保护母亲艾琳(杨紫琼饰)和天真的弟弟布鲁斯(李松璞饰).在此之前,布鲁斯一直被保护的很好,完全不知道自己家庭的真相。  但是,当台北最致命的黑社会和一个新崛起的派系为争夺统治地位而针锋相对时,查尔斯、布鲁斯和他们的母亲必须治愈因分…
  • 年轻美丽的阿富汗女孩多尼娅的日子过得并不轻松,她曾为美军担任翻译,如今饱受失眠困扰。她独自居住在弗里蒙特的一栋公寓楼中,邻居大多是和她一样的阿富汗移民。她常常一个人去一家生意萧条的餐厅,一边吃饭一边看肥皂剧。多尼娅在城里的一家幸运饼干工厂工作。一天,老板给她升了职,让她负责在幸运饼干的签纸上写签语,她的生活也随之改变。…
  • <p>  在油站打工的小伙子哈兰(爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)有着很深的牛仔情结。他一身牛仔装,常常学牛仔拔枪的“神勇”模样。尽管很多人都嘲笑他,但少女托博(埃文·蕾切尔·伍德 Evan Rachel Wood 饰)却似乎和他意趣相投,二人堕入爱海。<br/>  哈兰跟随托博来到小镇的家中,这里住住托博的父亲韦德(大卫·摩斯 D…
  • <p>  二战期间,战争与死亡的阴云笼罩整个欧洲,无一国家幸免。<br/>  居住在匈牙利的14岁犹太青年卡维(Marcell Nagy 饰),在乘车探望父亲的路上被纳粹军人拦下,随后被送往集中营。在这个非人的所在,死亡、疾病、虐待、恐惧时刻威胁着他们的生命。听取了好友凯尔泰斯的建议,卡维发誓无论如何也要活着走出这个人间地狱………