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  • Award winning writer, celebrity Mark Travis seeks inspiration by returning to his hometown. What he finds is not what he expected. Her name is Holly. What Holly would do, is like nothing Mark has ever experienced before.
  • 他那咄咄逼人的控制狂母亲  成就了二十世纪英国最伟大的画家之一  L.S. 洛瑞是二十世纪英国最伟大的国民画家之一,独特的画风深受英国民众喜爱。但是他的画作在早期却遭艺术评论家嘲笑为出自儿童之手,因为他笔下的人物,头大大,身体细细,就像一根根的火柴棒一样,被称为“火柴男人”。虽然说洛瑞的母亲伊莉莎白女士,一生都在阻扰他的艺…
  •   Four close friends who live together in Bangalore. The friendship filled with fun and humor which quickly changes into a gripping mystery that keeps the spectators on the edge of their seats and leaves them with mixed feelings.
  •   Wild Canada From the filmmakers of the acclaimed series Human Planet and Planet Earth comes Wild Canada, this spectacular five-part series on the wildlife and the wild lands of Canada reveals a Canada that few have seen before. Underlyin…
  • Women on the Run. Vera has lived a wonderful life with Jindrich, and she is fully determined to fulfill his last wish - running a marathon. The emancipated and spirited mother of three daughters doesn't think that doing so will be a problem. She and her daughters will split up the route into four parts, and they'll ove…
  • <p>  在单身家庭长大的都市女性梅宝(林依晨 饰)相信冷冻食品可以安慰许多即使忙碌也希望享受新鲜食物的人,她期待着爱情能像冷藏食品那样永远新鲜。<br/>  然而,32岁的梅宝竟遭遇事业和爱情的低谷。她决定冷冻卵子,为自己的青春和真命天子,与时间赛跑。<br/>  因为工作的关系,梅宝结识推崇新鲜、拒绝冷冻的人气主…
  • 全谷杯战绩出炉,举座哗然。泰瑞·希维尔决心拓展眼镜蛇道馆霸业,矢言让镇上全面追随他的“绝不留情”打法。随着克里斯锒铛入狱,强尼·劳伦斯把空手道摆一旁,专心弥补过错,丹尼尔·拉卢索只好动员一名老友助阵。《眼镜蛇道馆》第 5 季将于 9 月 9 日首播,Netflix 独家。
  • <p>  《The Good Guys》是一部传统的警匪(罪案)剧,但它有几个值得注意的关键词:幽默,守旧派警察,现代派侦探,鸡毛蒜皮的小案子。把这几个关键词拼凑到一起,就是本剧的基本轮廓。<br/>  Dan Stark(Bradley Whitford扮演,《白宫西翼》)曾是达拉斯城里无人不知的大侦探。三十年后,Dan的那些「英雄事迹」早已被人们遗…
  •   1989年印尼西爪哇省,憤怒青年阿久四處找人挑釁較量,只為證明自己的陽剛男子氣概,藉以掩飾羞恥的性無能。直到他遇見帥氣剽悍的功夫女保鑣苡登,不打不相識的相遇,折服不只衍生愛意,亦蔓延出恐懼。一首首情歌勇於表白真心、一張張烘焙紙傾訴情意,阿久是否能回應苡登的心情,找回自己的平靜?而兩人所需克服的,還有更巨大的創傷過去………
  • 此项目改编自Tim Curcio的短片,讲述女主有着看到其他人未来的能力,但这种能力可对她的混乱生活没多少帮助。