搜索 Jan

  • 当27岁的托尔在一场垃圾车事故中失去了他生命中最重要的人时,他竭尽全力压抑自己的悲痛。白天,他若无其事地继续工作。晚上,他开始放纵自己,与邻居花商小哥调情。托尔迈进一个崭新、美丽但充满风险的世界大门,但他朋友开始担心,托尔很快就会在逃避现实的尝试中迷失方向。
  • 冬天,警察局里,警察正在审问十四岁的玛拉。被捕时,他开着一辆偷来的奥迪跑到离家很远的地方。他和性格古怪的希都斯出发去寒冷的南方平原探险,但他讲述起来轻描淡写,又绝口不提任何细节,让人觉得疑点重重。随着情节的展开,发生或消失的每一件事都衍生出各种各样的可能性。影片也是关于在冬日里依旧顽强地嗡嗡叫的小苍蝇,讲述了男孩子们之…
  • 约翰·卡朋特的《郊区的尖叫》是传奇导演、作家和制片人约翰·卡朋特创作的一部打破体裁的无剧本恐怖选集系列。这部剧探索了郊区阳光普照的街道、修剪整齐的草坪和友好的邻居背后隐藏的黑暗秘密和难以言喻的邪恶。每一集都聚焦于一个真实的恐怖故事,由经历过恐怖的真实人物讲述。他们的第一手资料通过优质的电影场景,新闻剪辑,家庭照片和档案…
  • <p>  Johnny(托米·韦素 Tommy Wiseau 饰)是一个成功的银行家,对朋友家人很好,尤其是他的未婚妻Lisa(Juliette Danielle 饰)。然而Lisa是个两面派,一边若无其事地和Johnny相处,另一边却勾引他最好的朋友Mark(格雷戈·赛斯特罗 Greg Sestero 饰),他们背着Johnny多次发生不正当关系。<br/>  这天,J…
  •   Gandhi Mahaan, a school teacher, is abandoned by his family after he decides to live a life of his own, with personal freedom.
  •   Yana hates Filipino men. For her, the perfect man is Moon Shi Woo, a dashing Korean actor from the Korean dramas that she always watches. Yana's dream comes true when she flies to Korea to join fans from all over the globe to meet Moon S…
  •   Claire and Migoy's relationship is tested when Claire falls in love with Migoy, her son's best friend. This further complicates when it is revealed that Migoy is also secretly in a relationship with the boy who has been calling her Migoy…
  •   The delivery of the gifts turns into a disaster and Santa Claus is in trouble. Will her grandchildren, Jules and Noor, manage to team up to save the day?
  •   Satyameva Jayate 2 revolves around the fight against injustice and misuse of power. From police and politicians to industrialists and a common man, the film will explore corruption in all spheres.
  •   Jules Claus has fully embraced Christmas and his future as Santa is ensured. Together with his grandfather Noël they are on their way to prepare for the best Christmas ever. With Christmas at their doorsteps everything runs smoothly unt…