搜索 Jan

  •   平安夜即将来临。这一天也是朱利安迎来十一岁的日子。通常这是一年中最好的一天,充满了姜饼和橘子的香气、噼啪作响的炉火、装饰好的圣诞树和摇曳的烛光。但今年一切都与往常不同——朱利安和他的家人悼念他姐姐的离去,朱利安觉得圣诞节被取消了。然后有一天,朱利安遇到了无忧无虑且热爱圣诞节的海德薇,他开始相信也许圣诞节终究会一直存…
  •   Lea is a young girl on the brink of death. She begins her final challenge, a thesis that seeks proof in the belief that happiness can be multiplied, as can the feelings of sadness, loneliness, and misery. Unfolding the research, she disc…
  • 新年前夕,Sarah又开始工作了,Nick还是她唯一的顾客。一切都是老样子,但与往年不同的是,今年他们将经历最诡异、最致命的新年零点倒计时。为什么杀气腾腾的戴立克会在今晚把此处这两个人类列为目标?为什么他们会一遍又一遍的重复经历同一个时刻?博士、Yaz、Dan能拯救Sarah和Nick活到新年吗?
  • 在19 世纪,以恐惧为养分的邪恶生物侵入这个与世隔绝的家庭。年幼的迭戈能否保护母亲,让她不被怪物和她自己所吞噬?
  •   Somewhere in Berlin. But not just any time, this is here and now. A postman delivers a parcel and, soon afterwards, everything changes. A terrorist attack rocks a family to the core. Maxi – who loses her mother, her brothers and her home…
  • Entrapped in his apartment, Randal Hendricks, a recent paraplegic, is given a gift of binoculars by his devoted girlfriend, Pam. But Randal is in financial debt to Emmie, a sadistic loan ...
  • 第一次世界大战期间,回国度假的陆军中尉罗伊(罗伯特·泰勒)在滑铁卢桥上邂逅了舞蹈演员玛拉(费雯·丽),两人彼此倾心,爱情迅速升温。就在两人决定结婚之时,罗伊应招回营地,两人被迫分离。由于错过剧团演出,玛拉被开除,只能和好友相依为命。  不久玛拉得知罗伊阵亡的消息,几欲崩溃,备受打击。失去爱情的玛拉感到一切都失去了意义,…
  • 这部影片讲述了少女阿尔玛不断追寻自我身份的故事。阿尔玛的父母是南斯拉夫人,但她从小在荷兰长大,因此认为自己既不属于东方,也不属于西方。她的生活经历让她早早明白了性的奥秘,却依然对世界保有孩童般的纯真。成年之际,阿尔玛决定从荷兰出发,在堂兄埃米尔和其朋友丹尼斯的陪伴下前往波斯尼亚,去见她从未谋面的父亲。在这段离奇波折的旅…
  • 一个连环杀手连续13个冬天在圣诞节前夕行凶,马上就要圣诞节了,调查人员与时间赛跑,争分夺秒想要弄清楚这位圣诞杀手的下一个目标是什么。
  • Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey,…