- Beno?t is a coward and a voyeur, who gets his kicks from watching other couples make out. He cajoles his two new companions to attempt what he has never dared do: rob the safe in his father's factory, seduce his stepmother to blackmail her for money and finally go so far as committing murder. Thus begins a wild ride th…
- 12-year old dreamer Vlad likes telling fantastic stories about his courage to his summer camp friends, although he is a bit of a coward himself. But one day Vlad finds himself in a real adventure as he accidentally gets caught in a conflict between two alien forces. Shapeshifting Trashmen, descendants of an ancient ali…
- FGO嘉年华新作OVA《#FateGrand Carnival#》将分两季,各收录约30分钟的动画内容。分别于2021年6月2日、8月25日发售,售价6,800日元/5,800日元。 片头曲《すーぱー☆あふぇくしょん》由#高桥李依#、#田中美海#、#大久保瑠美#、#悠木碧#、#东山奈央#、#佐仓绫音#、#早见沙织#、#川澄绫子#、#丹下樱#、#门胁舞以#演唱。