搜索 Isla

  • This apocalyptic parable carries within it a clear echo of the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. This unforgiving exploration of the Czech mentality tells the tale of a troupe of wandering actors who perform a passion play in some unnamed village. Fear of some unknown danger breaks out in the village, which is cut off f…
  • A group of Czech artists choose to ignore the realities of Nazi occupation in this brooding experimental war drama. When a pretty female refugee comes to town seeking help, she awakens the sexual desires of all the men, but the only one who helps her is a sympathetic sculptor. When she is allegedly killed, the man send…
  • In small czech town named Jilemnice live unfortunate, but brave and jovial woman Štěpa Kiliánová, whose only desire was to fill the void in her virgin life. In despair and excessive trust, she married a sardonic, reclusive man, former lie…
  • 马戏团演员帕比与士兵倍明朗哥自战场回归后发现他们的家己面目全非,二人于是结伴而行;他们在帕比所偷的脚踏车上发现珠宝,与犹太麦面包师的女儿艾丝特快乐地生活在一起,艾丝特产下一女后,却因帕比所偷的珠宝而被窃贼所杀,帕与倍也因私藏珠宝而下狱……
  •   杨·南曼奇在捷克新浪潮的地位,类似于雷奈在法国新浪潮一样。这是他的第一部剧情长片,描绘两个犹太男孩在被送往死亡集中营的途中,从火车上逃脱,被迫在乡野展开挣扎,艰难地求生存的故事,看似具备写实的基础,却被混合了幻想的影像,以及自由跳跃的叙事所重组。
  •   This is a story about people in love with cinema, and a country going through its most difficult times. A group of friends, who met sometime ago in a movie theatre, get together to see one of them off to Belgrade. So their journey begins…
  • <p>  这是一部既荒诞又有趣的波兰喜剧,神经兮兮,轻松调侃,挪揄波兰电影那段让人忍俊不禁。可以说这亦是最好的社会主义喜剧,<br/>  幽的一手好默,但笑点冷门到或许只有波兰人民才懂。巡航邮轮上的封闭社会映射波兰彼时众生相。怎凑得这一船的怪胎,老头、<br/>  男人、胖女人,又怎一个妙字了得。</p&g…
  • <p>  英国人约翰和他的未婚妻玛嘉烈在车臣被恐怖分子虏获,而艾云是战俘,他们跟衆人被囚禁在一起。其后约翰及艾云被释放,但是恐怖分子要约翰支付200万英镑赎金,否则奸杀他的未婚妻,约翰向英国及俄国领事馆求助,但被拒绝,最后英国电视台愿意资助约翰救出其未婚妻,但是要把过程全程拍摄,约翰最后得艾云相助,闯入恐怖分子阵营救出…
  • <p>  This is a brilliant surrealistic film.<br/>  But also a fully realistic story about a time when the brave avant-guarde artists were trying to explore the unknown landscapes of human possibilities.<br/>  The contrast…