- 阴险邻居维克多,趁着隔壁的发明家外出度假的机会,雇人窃取他的一项专利:能够阅读犬类思维并转化为文字的项圈。发明家的狗狗们得知后将住宅中布置了机关重重,联合起来对抗维克多保护发明。
- 15岁的以色列小男孩莫塞斯(Pierre Boulanger 饰)和父亲(Pierre Boulanger 饰)住在巴黎蓝色大道一幢贫穷脏乱的公寓中。母亲(Isabelle Renauld 饰)离家出走,父亲整天沉迷于书本,还编造出一个并不存在的优秀的哥哥打击莫塞斯。本该享受童年快乐的小男孩压抑阴郁,在附近的流莺献出了自己的第一次。 莫塞斯去附近的土耳其穆斯林亚伯拉罕…
- This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job. It is told with humour (much of it quite subtle, almost surreal, and in the background - imagine a street scene where everyone on the sidewalk on one side of the road wal…